Chapter 3

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I grabbed my phone and went through my contacts.


I called Hanna immediately and asked her if she wanted to come to the concert with me. She, of course, accepted. Hanna and I are practically the same person in two different bodies.

Hanna was quite a short person, with long, dark brown hair which was dip-dyed magenta on the tips. She was quite possibly the funnest person you'd ever meet. Hanna was practically the definition of fun and she was so easy to get along with.

I then did the same with my friend Kenzie.

Kenzie was a lot taller than Hanna and I, and we would usually get extremely jealous of her amazing, tall-people-long legs. Kenzie had bleach blonde hair, with turquoise tips. She had a single nose piercing that complimented her face perfectly.

~The day of the concert~

We were all so stoked for the concert. Hanna and Kenzie stayed at my place the night before so we could discuss the concert. And by discuss, I mean fangirl.

For the concert, I wore a black Motionless In White shirt, ripped black skinny jeans, and plain black Vans and my ninja turtle backpack. It was my favorite. Kenzie and Hanna wore a black Motionless In White shirt, black skinny jeans and black Vans.

We then did our makeup and styled our hair. Once we were done getting ready, we grabbed the tickets and headed out the door and off to the concert.

The venue wasn't far from where I lived, so we had a short 10 minute walk. It got really cold while we were walking and I started to question why I didn't bring a jacket. I guess I should've known it was going to be cold. I live in Pennsylvania, after all. But the cold didn't bother me much. I was kind of used to it.

As soon as we got to the venue, we walked straight to the front of the line, showed the staff the tickets and headed straight in. Once everyone was in the building, it was super loud, but you'd expect that at a concert. A few minutes later, the band came out and started playing Immaculate Misconception. The crowd went insane the second the boys stepped out on stage.


OPEN YOUR MIND BEFORE YOUR MOUTH!" Chris screamed every lyric perfectly.

Everyone was having a great time. Everyone was jumping with the beat, everyone was singing all the lyrics, everyone was trying to move to the front to maybe get a chance to hold Chris's hand. I, however, wasn't that lucky but I accepted it, because we could go backstage after the show.

When the band played Abigail, everyone was going all out and some people were actually scaring me.

As Chris sang the words to the songs, I was getting pushed around by a massive guy who obviously didn't give a shit about anyone around him.

He was going all out and hit me a few times, and I wasn't the only one who was being victimized. Practically everyone around him was getting hurt.

Chris looked down at the crowd and saw he was hurting people, and of course, he didn't want anyone to have a negative concert experience. He jumped down and screamed the words of the song in the guy's face, then moved the mic away from his own face "Calm down man! You're hurting people!"

Chris looks over at me, the girl who is too small to see over some people that had managed to push their way to the front. He then grabs my arm and gently but firmly pulls me to the front where I can see properly. "You okay?" he smiled.

I simply nodded as I was completely dumbfounded. "Okay, cool!" Chris immediately goes back to singing their songs.


Sorry this one is really short I'm literally writing this at 5am. I've been up all night trying to come up with ideas and I'm really tired. Sorry its so short. <3

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