Chapter 18

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During the next few weeks, Chris had been giving me flirty looks and the boys gave us both suspicious looks.

To be honest I loved that Chris was being like this, but I had a feeling someone was going to ask what happened eventually. But its whatever.

Whenever everyone went out and left us alone at home we would do the same thing every time, and it would be glorious. Chris's lips were so soft and kissable, he was practically an angel! I loved him, and I mean it with all my heart.

Everyone left the house except Chris and I, as usual. We started doing the thing again and Chris picked me up from the couch and took me upstairs to my bedroom.

He laid me down on my bed and kiss me passionately. He took off the jacket I was wearing for a good reason. I forgot all about my arm so I agreed to let him take it off. He took it off and didn't realized straight away, but kept on kissing me. He eventually noticed and sat up.

"What's on your arm!?" he said, sounding like he was about to cry.

"Uhm.." I looked down at my wrist and started to cry. I put my face in my hands and bawled. "I'm sorry!"

"Shh, its okay!" He held me in his arms. I loved when he did that. "Why did you do it though?"

"I couldn't help it. My parents are getting to me man!" I lifted my head up to look at him, he had tears rolling down his face. He really did care...

"Please.." he closed his eyes while the tears continued to fall down his beautiful face. "Please promise me you won't do it again.." I looked down for a moment.

"I promise.."

"I love you, and I don't want you to hurt yourself. You're too precious to do that.." he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." I wiped his tears away and kissed him. "Please don't cry." he smiled.

Every week, Chris would check my arms to make sure I was staying clean. I did stay clean for all those weeks.

*Idk Like 2 Months Or Something Later*

Chris checked my wrist for fresh scars. They were clean. He pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm so proud of you!" He said.

"Thanks!" I giggled.

"How long has it been now? About 2 months?" he sounded so excited. It was adorable.

"Yeah!" I laughed. "You're adorable when you're excited!"

"I can't help it!" he laughed. "I'm just so happy, I'm so proud of you!" he kissed me and I kissed him back.

We hung out with each other the rest of the day and had a lot of laughs. We watched a few movies, and of course we had to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. We played a few video games, we versed each other in Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros and Teken. We played The Legend Of Zelda for a couple of hours too. We watched Star Trek, Star Wars, American Horror Story, and of course, the ice hockey. We were both obsessed with it. We also listened to music for a few hours too, which involved Slipknot, The Misfits, Lamb Of God, Black Sabbath, and a whole lot of other older bands.

It was a great night. We watched The Nightmare Before Christmas one last time and before we knew it, we fell asleep at early hours of the morning in each other's arms.

The next morning I got woken up by Ricky shaking me awake, but trying not to wake Chris up.

"The fuck do you want?" I tried to say as quiet as possible.

"Come with me, but don't wake Chris up." He whispered. I got up carefully, trying not to wake Chris, putting a pillow in his arms so he thought I was still sleeping. I followed Ricky upstairs to find Ryan standing there looking serious.

We had a big talk about what had been happening lately. It was kind of boring to be honest and I was barely awake. I was almost falling asleep halfway through the sentence.

Once we'd finished they let me go lie next to Chris again and fall asleep. I didn't know what they were talking about exactly because I wasn't paying attention. All I could think about was sleeping.

I walked downstairs and carefully slipped myself back into the position I was in before I was awoken.


btw Chris and Carolina aren't a "thing" but they have a flirty relationship. just thought I'd get that outta the Gerard way.

(see what I did there?! ;) )

k thanks bai <3

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