Chapter 10

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The band and I walked around for quite a while, just talking about random, fucked up things. It was actually the most fun I've had in a long time, which was really cool, and they have been my favourite band since forever so what a bonus!

Chris had been flirting with me most of the time which was actually really funny. He was a little awkward but it was really cute. Ricky had noticed Chris was trying really hard to impress me and pulled him aside to talk to him.



I've been flirting with that angel for most of the day and she apparently found it funny, which is cool I guess. Ricky wouldn't stop staring at me so I asked him why he was doing it. He then pulled me aside to talk to me.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" I ask.

"You like her, don't you," he whispered, I just looked down at the ground. "You do!"

"Shhh! Shut up you idiot!" I quietly yelled. "Please don't tell her, or the others. Please."

"I won't, but you should tell her yourself. I haven't just been staring at you, I see that look in her eye. She likes you man. And its kind of obvious, to me, that you like her. I don't know about everyone else, but its a dead give away to me." Ricky smirked. "Plus, its also a dead give away cause you're flirting with her." He chuckled, and we kept walking

To be honest, I was a little worried because I didn't know if he was being serious or not. I mean, what if he was just saying she liked me to make me embarrass myself? Meh, I guess she does kind of maybe look like she likes me, even a little bit.

We walked around for what seemed like another hour, but then came to a big, grassy hill. It wasn't very steep but it was enough effort to get to the top. It was nice though. We all chilled for quite some time in that spot. After about 15 minutes of sitting in that same spot everyone else was sitting at, I got up, grabbed Carolina's hand and lead her to the other side of the hill. I wanted to have some time to ourselves to talk to her.

"So why'd you bring me over here then?" She asked with that beautiful smile of hers. I had to smile back.

"I just wanted to spend some time with you, talk to you without everyone else in our faces," I replied.

She giggled. "Oh really? I guess it is nicer with just you here." She smiled again.

"I love it when you smile," she blushed a bright red color. It was cute.

"You've been flirting with me this whole time having you?" She laughed.

"Well, maybe," I smiled. "I can't help it. You're beautiful." Her face burned a bright red as she smiled a large smile. It was true though.

"Really?" She grinned, I nodded. "You're not just saying that?"

"Why would I say it if I didn't mean it?" I asked with a smirk. She shrugged. "But you actually are the single most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I said shyly.

"Oh my god, I'm smiling like and idiot right now," she laughed, still bright red. "You're amazing, and provably the best thing that's ever happened to me honestly."

"No, really? We're just a bunch of kids from Pennsylvania," I said. "We're really nothing important."

"But that's where you're wrong. I don't think you understand how much people appreciate y'all's existence, your music, just you guys in general. I don't think you see how appreciative your fans are, Chris," she replies. "To them, you're not just a bunch of kids from Pennsylvania, to them, you are something special, they practically see you as god. Yeah, I've seen your fanpages on Instagram. To them, you're the guy that saved them. They're so grateful of you man!"

I couldn't help but smile. I didn't realize, properly, that it was like that. "This is why I love you," I smiled. "You're amazing and you're good at giving me a pep talk," we both laughed. "Thanks."

"Well its true. You are seriously that epic! The whole band is! You just never realized it." She smiled.

"You're gorgeous," we both laugh.


Hello groovy people of the internet! oh wait, that's not my thing. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter c: <3

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