Chapter 8

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"So we can reincarnate." I hum to myself, which apparently Chris heard. He's perfect, I still can't believe I'm sitting next to him right now, with his arm around me. My heart has been pounding this whole 2 and a half hours.

I noticed that Chris smiled when he heard me humming Reincarnate, which made me smile. His smile is the equivalent to the sunrise at the crack of dawn. if you don't think so, I'm concerned for you. His smile is practically my favorite thing ever.

"So you like Reincarnate?" He asked with that beautiful smile of his.

"Hell yeah! Its perfect! I'm so proud of you guys, holy shit!" I practically fangirled.

"N'aww you're adorable," he laughed, and I blushed intensely. "I'm glad you like it!" I smiled like an idiot.

I felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from mom. Again. It read:

I need you to come home now. I'm glad you're having fun but please come home. Its late.

I replied:

Please let me stay a bit longer. I'm really enjoying it here! And plus I'm not a child. I've finished school! I can stay out late if I want to!

She then told me I had to come home. I sighed and pouted my lip.

"Aw what's that face for?" Chris asked me.

"Moms making me come home now," I frowned, so did Chris. "I wanna stay!"

"Awww no! You can't go! I refuse to let go of you," Chris wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. "I refuse." He looked up at me and pouted his lip. I giggled, he was adorable! "Please stay," he frowned.

"Ugh I wish I could," I frowned back. "But moms gonna be in a pissy mood when I get home and I don't want to make her any angrier. I don't know why she's so angry to be honest, but oh well."

"Can I come with you then?" He said childishly and sarcastically.

"I'd let you, but yanno. Dad. I'm sure mom would enjoy it though," I giggled. "She loves the band!"

Chris laughed. "That's actually awesome!" Ricky replied.

"Yeah, when I first started listening to your music she'd be really ignorant about it and now she's literally always like 'ooo what's that song called!?' Its great!" I giggled. "But I guess I have to go now.." I frowned.

"Do you really have to!?" Chris asked, wanting me to stay.

"I have to, sorry Chris," We both frowned. "I want to stay but moms being a little shit."

"Chris just accept the fact that she has to go!" Ghost said. "You'll see her again some time."

"Will I?" Chris asked, turning to me.

"Of course!" I replied with a reassuring smile. Chris smiled at me and accepted the fact that I had to go.


Okay, I understand that one was kinda weird, I couldn't really think of anything to write and that was the first thing that popped into my head so I just went with it.. I promise it'll get better <3

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