Chapter 14

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The air was getting cold and everything around us was dark. It was quite late and the stars were already starting to show. It was fine by us though, we both preferred the dark over the brightness of the sun.

Chris had still been flirting with me quite a lot which did make me laugh. Being around him made me forget about all of my problems. He made me happy. That was something that pretty much no one else could do. Chris was special. He had something about him no one else did.

"Chris?" I say quietly.

"Yeah?" He replied with a smile.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" I asked with a half smile. "I don't really want to go back home any time soon."

"Of course," he opens his arms, gesturing for me to give him a hug. "You can stay with me as long as you want. I didn't expect you to want to go back straight away, its understandable." He smiled as I fall into his arms.

"Thank you." I close my eyes and savor the moment. His hugs were the best thing in the world.

"Anytime, beautiful." I felt him smile.

*A Few Hours Later*

It was now getting really cold as it was really late. We decide to head home before we froze our tits off.

As we were walking home, Chris decided it would be a good idea to glimpse at me every now and then.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" I giggled.

"I can't keep my eyes off you. You're perfect." He smiled.

"Perfect is just a non-existent thing that people try to live up to or find in someone or something else." I say confidently.

"Well.. shit." He giggled.

"Perfect doesn't exist, never has, never will. No one can be perfect because everyone has flaws of their own." I said with a smug smile plastered on my face.

"Well it exists now so shh!" He teased.

When we got to Chris's house, the rest of the band were in there talking about god knows what, so we decide to join them.

"Hey Carolina!" Ryan said. I greeted him back. "Why are you here?" He asked with a smile.

"I'm having a few issues with my parents and I don't want to go back home yet." I laugh nervously.

"Fair enough. You can stay with us for the night."

We all stayed up till quite early in the morning, just talking about random stuff that no one cares about. We talked about funny childhood stories, awkward times we've had with our families and friends, everything that should never be talked about.

At around 3-4am we were all well and truly asleep. Josh, Ryan, and Ghost fell asleep on the couch, Chris and I fell asleep on the same small armchair beside the couch, and Ricky fell asleep on the other arm chair on the other side of the couch. Chris was actually a really comfortable pillow to be honest, and it looked like he'd kept his arm around me the whole time.

We all woke up around the same time. 2:30pm. When I woke up, I checked my phone to find 5 missed calls and 7 texts from mom and 3 missed calls and 6 texts from dad. They seemed worried because I didn't tell them where I went last night. I decided to call dad and tell him that I stayed the night with the band.

That did not go well. Dad was yelling and screaming at me about how worried him and mom were and how I should be more responsible and how I'm terrible at being responsible and a whole lot of other shit I didn't care about.

He eventually got to the end of the lecture and grounded me for 2 weeks. I started arguing with him about how they were the reason I didn't come home and how they need to be better at understanding how I felt.

He obviously didn't care about my feelings, and demanded I came home that moment. Of course, I refused. I told him I had no intention of seeing him all day and I didn't want to see him again. I was just so angry that they didn't think about my feelings as well as theirs.

"No, fuck you dad! I'm not coming home, I don't want to see you or mom today! I'd prefer if I didn't see you again but we both know that's not going to happen!" I screamed into the phone. I collapsed to the floor, bursting into tears.

Chris grabbed my phone from my hands and yelled at my dad.

"Listen! Stop being fucking selfish and think about whats happening! You and your wife are fighting like fucking cat and dog and you both wished you never married each other, yes?" He screamed. Dad agreed. "Right, think about how hard this is for Carolina to go through right now! She's just finished school! This is the last thing she wants to worry about!"

They carried on fighting for a good 15 minutes. Chris won that fight, thank god. Dad decided to leave me alone and let me off this time.


OH HAIIII!!! so done with staying up all night writing trolol goodnight! <3

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