Chapter 12

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I felt bad for just leaving Chris without properly saying goodbye so I decided to text his when I got home.

When I got home, I ran straight to my room to avoid getting a lecture. I grab my phone and get onto texting Chris.

Hey Chris. I'm so sorry I just left you without saying goodbye. I freaked out :/

He soon replied:

Its okay beautiful. I understand :)

We spent the rest of the night texting about what we were going to talk about on the hill but didn't get time to. We talked about YouTubers, bands, video games, basically everything we enjoyed. I found myself laughing a lot of the time. We both talked about how awkward I am and how I accidentally set my Christmas tree on fire one year. Most embarrassing day of my life. Our conversations lasted hours and the next thing I know is that its 3am.

Chris I just realized what time it is. I'm gonna get some sleep now. night! ^_^

Okay bae ;) sleep well gorgeous <3

I will <3

*The Next Morning*

I woke up to the sound of yelling and screaming coming from downstairs. It sounded like mom and dad. I decided to go to the top of the stairs and see what was going on. I got out of bed and drudged to the stair case. I saw mom and dad fighting and saying how useless and annoying the other is.

"Mom? Dad? You okay?" I asked, I was really scared of what the fights would turn into. My parents looked up to where I was standing.

"Go away Carolina, we're fine!" mom shouted at me. Wow. That hurt. Being told to go away by your own parents. They were not okay, and neither was I. What was going to happen to them?

I run to my room crying, and ad I closed the door behind me, all I hear is "OH MY GOD I CANT STAND YOU!" And the front door slammed shut.

This made me freak out a bit, I don't know what they were arguing about or what was going to happen, but it made me cry. I was scared.

Before I knew it, I was asleep. Asleep, drenching my pillow with tears.

*The Next Day*

I woke up to the sound of my parents fighting. Again. I couldn't hear what they were saying but It sounded bad.

I get out of bed and walk out of my room to the top of the stairs to see what was going on.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO USELESS!? IM SICK OF YOU!" My dad yelled at my mom. What were they fighting about?

"I WISH I NEVER MARRIED YOU!" Mom screamed. I gasped. They must have heard me because they both looked up at me. Tears started streaming down my face. Mom looked sympathetic at me but she also looked really angry at dad.

"What's going on!?" I asked through tears.

"I-uh.. We we're just.." Mom struggled to make up a story.

"You wish you never married dad!?" I yelled. "What? What do you mean you never married him!?"

"Look, Carolina, its complicated. Please just leave." Dad demanded.


Well shit! oh heyyyyy! I hope you liked the chapter huehue <3

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