Chapter 22

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I started to cry and ran off.

I heard Ricky trying to catch up from far behind me but it was no use, he didn't end up catching up. "Carolina! Stop!!" I kept running, tears streaming down my cheeks, trying to block out his voice. "Carolina!!" He screamed. "Please!" I knew he had given up on trying to catch up to me by the sheer amount of distance his voice was coming from.

I stopped and turned around. I just stared at the small figure dressed in black, who was at least 150 metres away from me by now. I looked down at the ground and continued to cry, my tears falling to the ground, turning the dirt into tiny bits of mud. I turned around and walked off.


I had been walking around for at least an hour and a half. Sure, I didn't have a single clue where I was going, but I needed time alone.

Another half an hour passed and the sky was continuing to get darker and darker by the minute. I had no idea where I was. I was completely lost. I've never been this far from the house before so I knew I was not okay.

I decided to walk back to wear I started, but then I realised. I didn't actually know which way I came. That was when I really started to panic. I started to hyperventilate and my hands and voice were really shaky.

"Hey," I heard an unfamiliar voice coming from behind me. The voice was quite deep, and raspy, and it sounded like it was slurring. Oh god no. Please don't be horny and drunk. I turned around to find a tall man with short hair behind me. He smelt like he had been drenched in alcohol. Gross.

"Ugh.." I let out a grunt as he breathed on me with his disgusting-smelling breath.

"Whats wrong babe?" He slurred. He began to snake his hands around my waist and started up my shirt. I tried to push him off but his grip was too strong. As I was struggling to keep my dignity, I felt a massive hand fly across my face.

"Ow! What the fuck?" He looked down upon me, his eyes full of anger.

"Shut up!" He yelled as he hit me again. Again, I tried to pry his hands off me but it was no use, he was just too strong. I started to cry. "Stop crying and shut up!" He slurred again, attempting to rip off my shirt as I tried to hold it down as much as possible.

He successfully ripped my shirt off, leaving my stomach and chest exposed.

"Please..! Leave me alone!" I cried aloud.

"Shut the fuck up slut!" He slapped me yet again, trying to unbutton my jeans.

"Get off me!!" I yelled, trying to push his hands away. "HELP!!" I cried harder.

"SHUT UP!" He put a massive, dirty hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. I tried to mumble louder so someone could maybe hear me. Anyone?

I closed my eyes and waited for the worst to be over.

I then suddenly heard the sound of a really brutal punch in front of me. I opened my eyes and found the drunk on the ground, and Chris in front of me. I rapidly try to cover my body and reach for my shirt. I grab my shirt and shake it so the dirt comes off it, and put it on.

I feel the warmth of Chris's arms wrap around me and I instantly feel safe and protected. I wrap my arms around his neck and cry onto his chest.

"Thank you!! Thank you so much!!" I cry.

"Shh, its okay. Did he hurt you?" Chris pulled away and examined me, checking if I had gotten hurt. A few bruises must has quickly formed on my face as he looked at it in horror. "He hit you in the face didn't he?" I nod slowly.

He pulls me back for another hug. "Its okay, lets get you home, yeah?" I nod and cling onto his arm as we walk home.

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