Chapter 11

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"You're gorgeous," we both chuckled at that. I tried to stay calm but on the inside, my heart was pounding like crazy and I could feel my face burning bright red. I can't believe he said I was beautiful. So this means he likes me? I hope so!

Suddenly Ryan and Josh come running around the hill, grab me by the arms and pull me while they're running off to god knows where.

"What are you two doing!?" I try to ask, slightly out of breath.

"Having fun!" Ryan yells, laughing. We then got to a place that was practically filled with piles of flattened cardboard boxes. Ryan and Ricky look at each other grinning. "Carolina grab some cardboard and bring it back to the top of the hill! This is gonna be fun!" Ryan exclaimed.

I grabbed a pile of the flat boxes and drudge up to the top of the hill with them, so did Ryan and Ricky. I assume they went exploring, as they wouldn't have found the cardboard. When I got to the top of the hill, I dropped the cardboard onto the ground and collapsed onto the grass looking up at the sky. I was exhausted, even though that hill wasn't too, too steep, it was still steep enough to drain your energy.

When Ryan and Ricky got to the top, they gave everyone else a piece and told them to slide down the hill on it, while putting the spares to the side just in case we broke any. We all slid down the hill and it was actually really fun. We did so quite a few times, then after a while I got tired of climbing back up the hill so I sat out.

Chris came back up the top and collapsed next to me, also exhausted from the climb.

"Climbing this hill is killing me man!" He complained.

"That's why I sat out," I laughed. "I'm so unfit! I feel like DanIsNotOnFire right now!" I said.

"I love that guy!" Chris said, still lying on the floor, panting.

"Me too! Hes one of my favorite YouTubers."

"I don't get to watch him much because I'm busy quite a lot but I do really love his videos!"

"Have you seen his Krave challenges!?" I ask excitedly.

"Yes! Oh my god they're hilarious!"

"I know right!" I laugh. Turns out Chris and I have a lot in common. Its amazing, there's so many things I could name. Not to mention, we're both obsessed with hockey.

I checked my phone for the time. 3:30pm. Cool. I still have time.

We stayed and talked about anything and everything for at least 3 more hours. I check my phone for the time again. 6:30pm.

"Shit!" I jolt up.

"What? What happened?" Chris asked, looking concerned.

"Its late man. I have to go." I then run off without saying another word. I could feel the disappointment on Chris's face as I ran, and I felt really bad that I didn't say goodbye, but I had to save myself a long ass lecture. I'll just text him when I get home.


OOP! Another short ass chapter. Sorry :c <3

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