Touchy Subject

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Sixteen year old Rico walked around by himself while the rest of his family partied with the members of the neighboring Blood Moon pack. The alpha's eighteen year old son had his birthday a month ago and still hadn't found his mate. They all assumed it was his sister, the girl he was currently dating but she told them it wasn't her. The two had chosen to date until their mates showed up.

"Primo! Primo!"

His face lit up and he opened his arms as his little cousin ran up to him. Twelve year old Chevy had been his shadow since birth. Rico was his idol and often was the only one that could get the creative and gentle child to do things outside his comfort zone.

Chevy hugged him tightly. "Why are you here by yourself?"

Rico shrugged.  "Meh. Too much noise. I just wanted a little quiet."

"I hear you."

The sound of loud laughter reached their ears. So much for quiet.  A group of teenagers approached and Rico reeled back at the smell of sandalwood assaulting his nose. His wolf pranced around.


His excitement was short lived when he realized who the scent belonged to. This was the worst. There was no way this person would accept him.

"No. No. No. No. this isn't happening!" his mate was furious.

Rico just stared quietly. His heart clenched in his chest even though he knew what was coming.

"Why you!?" His mate screamed.

His sister looked up at her boyfriend. All laughter died down. "What's wrong? Why are you yelling at Rico, babe?"

His eyes were black with hate. "Useless weak omega!" He took several threatening steps forward.

The adults nearby were now looking. Several of Rico's relatives started making their way over.  Someone must have mind linked them.  His sister nudged her boyfriend's arm. "Hey! Stop it. Rico's done nothing to you!"

Chevy pushed the older boy back and stood protectively in front of his favorite cousin. "Get away from Rico!"

"As the future alpha of Blood Moon pack, I reject you Rico Sanchez as my mate." He spit out the words. Rico felt a tear roll down his cheek as thunder rumbled in the distance. There were several gasps and a few snickers.

Rico kept his head up high and looked his mate square in the eyes. "I accept." Then he looked at his twin sister who stood frozen beside his ex-mate. "Have a nice life." There were screams and shouts for him to come back but he heard none of it.

He ran and ran as fast as he could. Trees and shrubs whirled by him. He had to get away. He heard the running behind him but with all the alcohol that they had consumed he knew they'd be slower. For miles he ran and saw the pack boundary ahead.

He felt an invisible force pushing against him and pushed harder. He felt a twang and was propelled forward. He kept running. The sky opened up and rain beat down on him.

He had been rejected in front of his family and his friends. He didn't even know he had a mate until that moment. His mate called him weak and useless. His mate didn't even know him. How could a mate do that? He was laughed at. They hated him. His mate hated him.

His wet hair blinded him as he continued to run. His sides hurt and his legs burned. Still he kept running. He had to. It was the only way to escape the pain. A van raced by him and screeched to a stop a few yards away. Two men got out.

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