Everyone's Onboard but You

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His mother gushed over her grandson making Snow red with embarrassment. His sister talked pack business. They were still the same. After dinner, Bunny went for a walk near the house. He was vaguely aware his sister was following in her wolf form. She shifted back when he stopped and looked up at the sky. He let his mind wander.

Bunny and Snow had been sparring when he felt a sudden pull and the smell of clean linen hit him. He turned in search of the calming scent and found himself face to face with a delta from a visiting pack. He couldn't help the smile that lit up his face. After all this time, he'd found his mate.

"Bunny who is that?" Snow asked a blushing Bunny.

He watched the delta talking and laughing with a small group. He tried to hide his smile. "My mate."

His mate turned to look at him. His face turned into a scowl. Bunny felt his heart sink.

The delta stormed up to him. Bunny took a step back and looked around.

"This is a joke! I don't want this-this freak this abomination as a mate." He looked Bunny up and down with a sneer. "What even are you?"

Bunny was speechless. This level of animosity was unexpected. Especially for someone of his rank. "I-"

"Disgusting! How could anyone love you?!" He turned to his comrades. "Who is this creature?"

"I heard his name is Leveret. Leveret Neige."

He looked at Bunny again. "Gross."

Snow stood in front of Bunny with his fists balled up ready to fight. Adult or no, nobody disrespected his packmates, his family. Nobody.  His eyes were blood red and his canines lengthening. "Don't talk to Bunny that way! I'll rip your fucking head off!"

The cocky delta rolled his eyes at the young alpha. "Whatever, kid. I, Geof Foxworthy reject you, Leveret Neige as my mate." He shuddered. "Good riddance."

The last thing Bunny remembered was Snow screaming and the sound of running feet. Then the grass was caressing his cheek.

For a week he remained semi-comatose in his room. His wolf was slowly dying. At his age, being rejected took a heavier toll than on a younger person. Like their bodies, their wolves were able to heal faster the younger you were. Bunny was already in his thirties and finding a second chance mate at that age was rare. After yearning and waiting for so long, his wolf was giving up.

Snow finally had enough. He kicked the door in. Bunny was paler than his usual. His eyes were dull and red ringed. His soft, fluffy, golden curls were plastered to his face and his soft pink lips were white and chapped. Upon seeing the state his beloved uncle was in, he called for his mother and a healer. While he waited, he dragged Bunny out of bed and into the bath.

Bunny was so thin he had no trouble lifting him in his arms. "What's happening to you, mon lapin?" he asked as the tub filled.

Bunny laughed softly. "Rejection sickness." His voice was a raspy whisper.

Snow added herbs and oils to boost Bunny's vitality. Then he undressed them both and put Bunny in the tub climbing in behind him. Too weak to protest, Bunny sat still with his eyes closed as his thirteen year-old nephew massaged him stimulating the healing centers in the rejected were's body. When some of Bunny's color returned, he drained the tub and turned on the shower. Bunny sat on the shower bench as Snow cleaned him and washed his excessively oily hair.

He was so pathetic. Humiliated and rejected by his mate. Sick and weak being taken care of by his nephew - a child. He was a failure as an adult and as a Frost Moon alpha. He didn't even defend himself.  Disgust and self-loathing churned in his gut as Snow rinsed him off.

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