What Matters

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Verde wiped the tears off his cheeks and took one last look. Uni lay on her bed covered in a warm light blue blanket with angel wings printed all over. The blue glitter lava lamp emitted a light glow through out the room.  Her baby snores filled the room. A smile touched his lips as he gently shut the door.

He rested his head against the wood and sighed.  Tonight the room could have been empty if it wasn't for Chevy and Bunny. Their werewolf senses knew something was wrong. He cursed his life. If only he hadn't stayed with his human for so long and endured all those years of abuse he'd still have his wolf. But then, if his wolf hadn't sacrificed himself he wouldn't have Uni at all.   

Verde sighed heavily and went to the bedroom he shared with his mates. There were less than three weeks until the eclipse. None of them had been pressing the mating issue. But it was getting harder to resist. Verde didn't have a wolf but the two alphas did. They understood Verde still wasn't ready and were giving him his space as well as holding their wolves' desire to mate in check.

But what was he holding out for? What was so important that he couldn't give himself a chance at happiness? At love? He and Uni wanted for nothing. Natelly and Cisero let them do as they pleased. The only thing they'd asked for was date night once a week, dinner together when they weren't on missions, and to sleep in the same bed just to keep their wolves at bay.  They showed him with small gestures, holding hands, hugs, kisses, and cuddles that they loved him and were attracted to him despite his scars and flaws.

Uni's father had been like that in the beginning. Sweet, romantic, gentle. He'd buy flowers and open doors. He'd spend hours looking for the perfect gift for no special reason other than to show Verde he was loved.

Then with the accident it all started to go away. Like that part of his personality had been switched off and replaced with a monster. Full of spiteful words he spoke as often as he breathed. Beating Verde mentally, physically, emotionally until he killed off the Verde he used to be.

He shook the memories off. He wasn't in that place anymore. He was no longer with that person that had hurt him. He had a new life. With mates that loved him and his child.

He had to admit, deep down he already loved them. He loved them the moment they showed love for his child by a human. He already found them desirable. He was attracted to everything about them. He admired their ability to overcome their disabilities and be strong pack leaders.

He couldn't see himself anywhere else. This was his family. He nearly lost part of his family tonight. With the types of missions his mates were required to go on, it was a real possibility he could lose one of them at any given moment.     

He didn't realize he was standing in the living room until he heard his name. Natelly was laying on his stomach on the couch and Cisero was massaging his back.  They were both looking at him.

"Um...I'm sorry."

Cisero reached out for him. "Come here. I was finished."

Natelly stood and stretched.

Cisero shook his head at the snap crackle popping of bones. "This idiot doesn't stretch like he's sposed to on a regular basis." He hugged Verde and kissed his cheek. "What's wrong?"

Verde forced his tears away. It was time to move forward.  "I'm just...a stupid human. I lost myself for a moment and took advantage of ll the good things happening. But...um. I was reminded today, how quickly it can be taken away."

"Shhh. It's okay."

The yellow in his eyes seemed to glow as he looked up at them.  "I took my eyes off her for a second and she was gone!"

They gave each other a quick glance.

" My wolf is gone. I had no idea. If Chevy and Bunny hadn't..." He covered his face with his hands.

Cisero rubbed his back.  "It's okay. Everything's fine."

Verde pulled his hands down and looked Cisero in the eyes with determination.  "I want to complete our mating."

The two alphas looked at him with surprise.  Natelly started to speak but Verde cut him off.


Cisero's eyes went wide.  "But-

"Both of you."

Natelly wasn't sure where this boldness was coming from.  "Ver-"

He wasn't going to be stopped.  He couldn't.  He grabbed both his mate's hands and squeezed.   "At once."

Natelly snorted and pushed his glasses up on his nose.  "I didn't know you were so kinky."

Verde sucked his teeth. "Shut up."  He was being serious.  Now wasn't the time for jokes.

Cisero grabbed his hips and nipped his jaw playfully.  "He was so timid and unsure when we met him."

Natelly pinched his cheek.  "I think he's been hanging around the others too much."


Verde put his hands on his hips and huffed. They were acting like he wasn't still standing there offering himself up on a silver platter.  Besides, didn't they want to?  What hot blooded alpha could resist a free meal?  "Well?" he asked impatiently.

Cisero pulled back and ran a hand over his short hair.  "Alright. Um...I'm gonna go bathe."

Verde grabbed both their hands and started for the stairs.  "We'll all bathe."  He dragged them up the stairs.  "Saves time and water."  They entered the bedroom and he dropped their hands.  he began stripping and headed toward the bathroom.  "Hurry!"  He called over his shoulder.  

The alphas looked at each other but followed wondering where this bold new Verde came from.

*It's about to go down!  What happened to shy, timid Verde?

**Shout outs to all the readers/followers/adds/comments/voters!  I big ol list is headed your way because I've been a slacker.

***Share your thoughts with me.  What do you like/love/hate/think?

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