Subs' Sorrow

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*****Tissue Warning*****

Two days later, the packs were trying to clean up and get back to normal. Talon sat at the table with his mates slowly sipping his tea. He was trying hard to remain positive but his alphas were beyond stressed. The last forty-eight hours had been spent in meetings trying to figure out what happened and how it happened.

Pulaire was going over his tablet looking at cases he needed to attend to that day. Midori and Neiryn were discussing the fire analysis report. Talon turned to Raven and started chatting about new technologies they could try with the new crops they'd plant once the ground was cleared. The alpha had been brooding since the last ember went out and finally reached his boiling point.

He slammed his fist down on the table getting everyone's attention. "You have no idea what you're talking about," he shouted at the startled beta.

Talon was shocked at Raven's outburst.  No one ever shouted at him before.

Pulaire put his tablet down and glared at Raven.  "Hey!"

"Settle down, Raven," Midori warned.

Raven's wolf snapped at him to calm down but he ignored him and got in the beta's face. "He always acts like he knows everything. You've only been the co-alpha of this pack for six months. You have no fucking idea how much we've struggled, what we've given up!"

Talon's heart squeezed in his chest and his wolf let out a low whine. "That may be true. But I know what it's like to have your pack snatched from under you. To be cast out with nothing but your lives and the lives of your packmates.  Your pack is still intact.  You at least have your mates and your pack members are still alive."  Talon's voice trembled.  "Mine were killed."

Raven said nothing as tears slid down his beta's cheeks.

Midori reach out for his hurting mate to soothe his wounded wolf. "Talon-"

Talon shook his head and clenched his hands into fists. "Fuck you, Raven." He turned and left.

Pulaire and Midori glared at him.

Raven flinched back. His wolf snarled at him in his head.

>Stupid human!  Go and comfort my mate!<


Midori shook his head in disappointment. "I can't believe you."

Pulaire was incensed as he stood from his chair. "He's a scholar, a teacher, a trainer and he's got life experience we don't. Including the destruction of his pack, deaths of his alpha and mate. His loved ones. How dare you belittle him!"

Raven just stood there and let Pulaire vent.  He deserved it for lashing out at his mate.

"Eight years I waited for him. I thought I'd never have an exciting, loving, selfless mate like him. The first major problem we have and you go off on him. Who the hell do you think you are!?"

Raven flinched back. Pulaire wasn't one to raise his voice or get angry. "I didn't mean to. I just-"

Pulaire got in his face. "I'm not a pack alpha but I am a high ranking alpha. If you don't fix this, I'll kick your fucking ass." He shoved the shocked alpha and stormed out of the room.

Raven ran a hand through his dark hair. What a mess. Both of his mates were upset. And for what?

Midori walked up to his alpha mate and gripped his chin painfully in his hand. His voice was deadly calm. "You have twenty four hours to make it right. Then I'll help him."

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