Chapter Fourteen:

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-Harley West-

After about an hour, they finally left my dads office and returned to the kitchen. Ryder said his goodbyes and went back home, I had asked my father what their conversation was about but he denied giving me any information.

I give up and go to my room, calling Molly on the way upstairs. After a short conversation on the phone with her, she finally agreed to come over and when she did I had to ask her something.

We sat down on my bed before I spoke up.

"Are you and Snow a couple?" Molly and Snow have been sharing whispers and being way too close. I had always thought that she had a crush on Tom but maybe I was wrong.

"W-we kinda are. We haven't said that anything was official but we have been sharing kisses and we may or may have not spent a night together." A smile creeped on my face as she confessed.

"How long have you known about your sexuality?"

"A couple months now, when I first met Snow I knew there was something wrong, once I became closer to her, I started to know what I had were  emotional feelings. I felt like we had this weird bond, a couple weeks ago we had agreed to see each other secretly and that's when I knew I wasn't straight because without thinking, I agreed."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I know she might say something like 'I wasn't ready' but I just had to make sure it was because of that and not because she didn't trust me.

"I guess I was scared of how you'd react. I'm really sorry, I should've told you." She puts her head down and I say nothing but give her a hug.

"I noticed there were sparks between you and Snow since I introduced you two." I smile. It was true, when I introduced the two, there were intense sparks.

After Molly left, I was sitting alone in my room and I got to thinking.

Everything was changing, some changes were good like Snow and Molly being a couple, you don't see many people coming out at my school. Other changes were bad, Ryder was being weirdly nice and  Josh was being awfully horrible.

I was confused as to why Ryder and Josh changed personalities but I knew one thing for certain, I missed how annoying Ryder could be and I missed how nice Josh was. Everything was out of place with those two boys and I hated it.

As I got lost in my thoughts, I lost track of time and soon it was dark outside. If it wasn't for my parents calling me down for dinner, I wouldn't have realised how late it was getting.

I start going downstairs and heard laughter.

"Harley! I just heard how you street raced, Ryder told me you beat the guy." My father cheers me on for illegally street racing, I look to my dads left and see the bad boy himself.

"Ryder is joining us for dinner, Dustin invited him over." My mom gives me the explanation that I was looking for.

I wasn't sure why, but I felt sort of relieved that he was here. Ryder glanced over at me and then carried in his conversation with my dad and Dustin.

Once all the dinner was made, we all talked and ate the delicious chicken pie my mom made along with the prawn salad.

After dinner was dessert, chocolate covered strawberries....more importantly, the chocolate was Nutella and instead of strawberries I had Oreos drenched in Nutella. My dreams came true that night and I realised that I hadn't been using my brain properly if I never thought of dipping Oreos in Nutella.

Not going to lie, everyone looked at me like I was weird but I was happy with my current life choices so I didn't really care. At one point, I was so focused with my amazing choice that I had no longer been paying attention to the conversation.

"The Lions are all very protective of each other, everyone is treated like family even the new people that join. We only welcome the toughest of the tough, Madeline is currently the only female in the gang, Harley was meant to be in it like Dustin and Tom but she refused to"

I hear my name leave my fathers mouth and instantly I'm all ears.

"So if Harley isn't in the gang, why is she so strong? I mean, she nearly broke a girls nose at school in one punch." My father, Ryder and Dustin were talking about the Lions. I listened as I stuffed my mouth with Nutella covered Oreos.

"I accepted her choice but I still wanted to train her like I've never trained anyone before. I knew that the training would be useful if anyone tried to harm her when I wasn't around." Ryder nods as he listens attentively to my father. I knew my father had always wanted me to lead the Lions if he retired but that wasn't a life I saw myself having.

"Trust me, it's been useful. At school she's like a machine when someone gets in her way." Ryder and my dad chuckle at the thought of me fighting.

Sometimes I feel like I made the wrong decision I'm not joining the gang because I feel like I've disappointed my father but I just never seen me being in a gang.

"I'm proud of Harley for choosing her own path." I smile slightly at hearing my dad saying that he's proud of me.

"I agree, sir."

"Ryder, please, we've passed that stage. You can call me Hunter." Ryder smiles a genuine smile at my dad. I've never seen Ryder smile genuinely, it's usually a smirk or a short smile. My dad obviously likes Ryder, he never lets anyone out of the family call him by his name.

Before the conversation ended, my dad whispered something to him and Ryder looked over at me before replying.

I still have to find out what their conversation was about in the office

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