Chapter: Thirty-Two

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-Dustin West-

"I'm pregnant...with your baby" It couldn't be true. I was speechless, I had slept with her a couple months ago because I was drunk but even then I was careful, I used protection.

"You've got it all wrong, that's not my child." It couldn't be. I refused to believe that it was until I had proof.

"The dates all match up. I-I told your sister and Ryder that it was Josh's because I slept with him too but that was months ago and those dates don't match up, so it means it yours." You must be wondering when and why I slept with Lizzy.'s simple, it was a couple months ago. It had been 3 weeks since Ryder and Harley had their argument and weren't speaking to each other and Harley hadn't been going to school neither was Ryder.

Flash back!

"How's she handling?" Tom asked me as we sat in our usual table but this time it was rather empty, Molly and Snow were eating outside, enjoying the warm weather, Ryder and Harley have been at home for the last couple of weeks.

"She won't leave her room, she's barely eating." I replied as I picked the crusts off my sandwich. "And he's not doing well either, he's drinking and hasn't had a shower since the argument."  Both of them were depressed and it was kind of making everyone else depressed too. 

"Dustin, I need your opinion on our project." I hear an obnoxiously loud voice, which belonged to Lizzy. Lizzy and I had been paired up in history to make a project about the Holocaust where we had to summarise what happened in a 'creative' way, as Mr Harrison called it. I raise my eyebrow, telling her to tell me what the idea was. "I'm not going to say it in front of Thomas, he'll probably steal the idea."

I roll my eyes before I allow her to lead me into an empty classroom. "What's the idea?"

"How about we build figurines and the room where Anne Frank had to live in. It'd help people envision the setting as we summarise what happened to her." She beams as she finishes telling me the idea.

"Whatever you think will work, we'll do." I really wasn't in the mood to even think about the project, I had a depressed sister and a depressed friend to worry about more then having to worry about school.

"What is wrong with you? I'm asking your opinion because I actually want to do this together rather than do all the work by myself and since you're the smartest in history class, I thought you'd know if this is a good idea to showcase the project."

"I have a lot on my mind right now, Lizzy. You're way more clever than I am so I know that you know what will make the project interesting." I wasn't lying. Despite Lizzy being really irritating, she was actually one of the smartest students in the school. I guess her parents had really high expectations for her or she genuinely cared about school but all I know is that she's really smart.

"No one has ever called me smart." She says as I lean against a desk. "My parents always criticise my school work and no teacher in the school compliments my work." She pouts.

"Then they aren't worth your time and effort because you have some of the highest grades in the whole school, so you should be proud." She looks deeply into my eyes as she fiddles with her neon pink nails. 

I stare at the floor as we both go silent until I heard the sound of her high heels clicking against the floor and the sound was getting closer to me until she was really close to me.

"What are you doing, Lizzy?" I say, confused.

She didn't reply, instead she pressed her body against mine and then pressed her lips against my own. Her hands slithered to my hair and her fingers got tangled in the strands of my hair. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy the kiss because I really enjoyed it. My hands traveled to her waist and I pulled her closer to me. I broke the kiss apart for a second so that I could turn us around and I lifted her onto the desk. My lips attacked to her neck as she moaned softly, her hands left my hair and went to the hem of my shirt. She quickly took my shirt off before I unzipped her dress from the back, it draped over her shoulders and it went low enough to show her cleavage. She licked her lips as my hands snaked their ways into her thighs. I undid my belt and lost all the control I had left and so did she...

Flash back over!

"Just give me some time to think over it, Lizzy. This is a lot to take in, for the meantime let Harley believe that is Josh's." She nods in agreement.

"I know this isn't ideal but it happened. I'll give you some time but I have to tell Harley sooner or later." I sigh, I should have never slept with her.

"Tell me what?"

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