Chapter: Twenty-Six

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-Ryder Rivers-


The annoying heart monitor was the only thing to be heard in Harley's hospital room. As annoying the heart monitor was, it comforted me since it was the only way I could tell Harley was still alive. Her chest moved so slow that you could barely tell she was breathing so I was thankful for that heart monitor.

Hunter was sat in on of the chairs in the room, he stared at her, hoping that she'd wake up anytime soon, after all it's been 2 days since she hasn't woken up.

She had to go through surgery because they said a shard of glass went deep inside her arm and they simply couldn't remove it without surgery. They said that they only knew she had glass in her arm after they did an X-ray.

I hate to think this but I feel like if I hadn't done what I did, then she probably wouldn't be in this position. All I could do was hope that she would wake up soon and be back in my arms, safe and sound.

"You know it's not your fault, right?" It was like Hunter could read my mind. He said it wasn't my fault but I can't help but think that it was.

"I'm not so sure about that. If hadn't even thought about avoiding her, she wouldn't have gotten into an accident." I sighed heavily and prayed that she'd wake up. " I miss her annoying the crap out of me."

"Harley was never this bad. She was never even considered as the school's bad girl, she was never sent to the principals office nor did she ever hit people." Hunter said, almost as if he was trying to go back to when Harley wasn't the school's bad girl.

"What happened?" I asked. If she wasn't always like that then I wanted to know what had happened.

"James happened." I should've known. "When she started to date James, she started to change. James was one of the popular kids in school and she'd always had a crush on him, like every girl did, so when he asked her out she said yes and they were together for a while." Though I hated the thought of that cheating scumbag, I wanted to get to know Harley so I listened to the story.

"During their time together, he'd convinced her to use drugs, drink a lot of alcohol and he was always trying to convince her to have sex with him. He'd influenced her to start fights and not pay attention in class. She loved him, whether she admits it or not, she truly did love him, that's why she put up with him."  James sounded like a douchebag, I'm glad she's not with him anymore.

"Time went on and she started to gain that bad girl reputation, everyone was scared of her even Molly. But when he found him in bed with another girl, she broke down. She started to lock her self in her room, not wanting to eat. She didn't want to go to school and she even started to....harm her self."

"I bet it wasn't easy for you or Madeline either, seeing your daughter depressed" I told him.

"It wasn't easy, it was like we had failed as parents. Madeline especially felt really down, when she found out that Harley harmed her self, she found it really hard to deal with that. If it wasn't for Harley and knowing that, even though he cheated on her, she still loved him for a while, I think I would've killed him."

"Ryder?..." I heard a faint voice calling out my name, I turned to face Harley and there she was, finally awake.

I quickly called the nurse. Once the nurse is in the room, they tell Hunter and I to go to the waiting room while they did some exams on her to check is she was stable.

I hated being in waiting rooms, it's as if the time doesn't move. Being in a waiting room seemed to make time freeze or go slower than usual and that's what makes me nervous. You feel like something going wrong because of how long the wait is but then when you get some news it's like the time flies by again.

Being in hospitals made me nervous. Hospitals have always been a part of my life, I used to get sick quite often and being in a hospital room makes me relive the misery. I hated being in a hospital and the fact that Harley is in one just makes me hate them even more.

If you told me last year that I'd be this worried about a girl I would've punched you into oblivion. It's funny, you know, I'd never been the type of guy to fall in love but it's amazing and scary how one person can change your entire life.

"Hunter, Ryder, how is she?" Tom asks me.

"She woke up, the doctors are just examining her to see if she's alright." I felt a huge relief saying that. I'm so glad that she had finally woke up. Molly, Tom, Axel and Madeline sighed in relief.

All we had to do now was wait.

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