Ch. 5 ~ Alex

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  • Dedicated to My sister, Sarah

Ch. 5



 I walked out of last period, and saw Mason, making out with Natalie in front of her locker. I knew that he was just treating me like a charity case. The new girl couldn’t find her way home! Oh no! Let’s help her! I walked by, not caring if he noticed me. Every other person in the hallway did.

 When I got to the courtyard, I saw the huge limo stretched out, waiting to take me home. I saw the chauffer get out and open the door. I got in and went home as fast as I could. When I got home, the house was empty. I really thought that maybe for the first week my dad would linger around the house, but I guess not.

 After getting ready and doing all of my homework, I sat in my room. Everyone stole my phone at lunch, so I expected to get a few text messages. When my phone lit up, I jumped off my bed to grab it, hoping it was from Amanda. I was shocked when I read the message, because it wasn’t anyone I had expected.

 The message read: “Hey it’s Mason. Amanda gave me your number. Where were you after school? I thought I was taking you home?

 “I can walk home by myself. I’m not five.” I replied. Yes, harsh, but I didn’t want to be babied.

 I decided to go take a walk, just around the block, or to wherever I decided to go, leaving my phone home. Nobody was home so it wasn’t like I could be stopped.

 I almost froze when I saw Mason, looking really confused on his front porch. He looked guilty. I forced myself to walk passed his house.

 “Alex?” he asked, and I saw his face brighten up a little bit.

 I just stared at him and tried to keep walking.

 “Alex, can we talk for a second?” he asked, and when I didn’t respond, he jogged over toward me.

 “Hey,” he said.


 “You got a ride home?”


 “I thought you wanted me to walk you home.”

 “I guess,”

 “Well, I wanted to,” he said, his hand brushing my hair off my shoulder. I just looked into his blue eyes, and he kissed me. I put my hands over his shoulders, and just kissed him right in the middle of the sidewalk in front of his house, where everyone and anyone could see.

 “Come in,” he encouraged, “nobody’s home,” I saw a figure in the window, and it looked like it must have been his brother. I swore I heard him whistle, but I wasn’t sure.

 “I got to get home,” I said, and he wrapped his muscular arms around me and gave me a hug. I walked away, replaying everything back in my mind.



Ok so I'm at my dad's house and I have met some pretty hot guys, so I wanted to spark this up a little bit. Trust me, this is NOT cliche. I have so many twists and turns in this.

So it was my birthday yesterday and I went to a Theory of a Deadman concert and I got to meet, take pictures with, and get autographs from all of the band members. I also got a picture with the lead singer from Charm City Devils. I have my sister to thank for this. She gave me the best birthday ever, along with my friends (vampireluver23  & mentalinsanity) who threw me a surprise party. Thanks everyone!


For anyone who isn't familiar with Theory of a Deadman, you should totally look them up! They are awesome! Charm City Devils are good too. And please don't comment and say that you don't like one of the bands, because I find that very insulting. Thanks! :)

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