Ch. 8 ~ Mason

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Ch. 8



I took my time walking home. I missed Alex already. It was pathetic that there was no reality in where I was going. I have a girlfriend, but Natalie could never make me feel the way Alex does.

"I’m home!" I called, knowing that I was going to be looked for, especially if I was missing dinner.

My mom already had the food cooked and the table set. I looked at the clock; it was really early for mom to have dinner done...

“Who was the girl you walked home with today?” Sarah, my younger sister asked.

“A friend.”

“Short answers now. Well now isn’t that even more suspicious.”

“Sarah, not right now!” but me saying this only intrigued her more.

“So it was another girl. Man, Natalie will be pretty pissed to find out that you are cheating on her…”

“I’m not cheating on her! I didn’t know that when you had a girlfriend you weren’t allowed to help girls find their ways home.” I snapped a little, and that is just what my sister wanted. She was incredibly cunning.

“So I’m guessing that you hold hands with all of your girls that aren’t your girlfriend.”

“She was lost and scared. What am I supposed to do? Reject her clinginess.”

“So now you are calling her clingy?”

“Sarah! Stop it right now! Leave your brother alone!” My mother called from the dining room. In perfect timing too.



I really do want to hear back from you guys. I know that the chapters are short, but if you read my author's notes then you will know that they are supposed to be.

I actually have a lot of chapters written out, but I'm not really sure that I want to post them. No one really seems to enjoy this story and in almost every comment I get a comment about how short the chapter was.

I really don't normally believe in writing extremely long author's notes, but I am this time. And if you think that the story really hasn't picked up, I promise that it will. It has hardly started.

Since I have written more of this I can update more often but I want to know that you guys want me to.

Sorry for the depressing note at the end of this awesome chapter but I hope you enjoy it and leave feedback! If you have an idea or something, let me know! If I like your idea I will dedicate the chapter to you! (I do have the whole story planned out but still)

Oh and message me if you want a spoiler!


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