Spin the bottle

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Chapter 4.

We went into our common room and found our dorm rooms. I was sharing a room with a girl named Pansy. She wasn't nice to everyone, but she was nice to me.

Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, Draco, and I stayed up playing spin the bottle. Very mature, I know. So far, I have had to kiss Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle. For some reason the bottle kept landing on me . . . we decided on doing it one more time since everyone was getting sick of only me spinning the bottle. I spun it one last time and it landed on Draco.

"Looks like you have to kiss me too," Draco said with a smirk.

"Whatever." I gave him a kiss and, boy, did he look happy. I wonder why . . . Well, I will mention it later to embarrass him.

"Don't get too happy about it because it's never happening again."

He blushed, turning a light shade if pink.

"Oh no, Draco Malfoy is blushing! Blaise, quickly, help him! Something must be terribly wrong, I thought he didn't have a heart," I joked, standing up to leave.

"How about a goodnight kiss?" Draco and Blaise asked hopefully.

"You wish! Goodnight."

"Goodnight," they all said.

"Night, guys." Pansy and I walked off to our dorm.

We couldn't sleep, though, so we talked.

"What was it like to kiss Draco?" Pansy asked because she didn't kiss him in the game.

"I don't know, it was just a kiss?"

"Was it good? Did you feel anything, like, you know, sparks? Was it sweet? what did he taste like?" she asked.

"Pansy, I didn't put my tongue in his mouth, that's disgusting! But yes, it was good. I don't know if I felt anything, I pulled away quickly," I answered.

"So, you don't like him then?" she asked.

"I don't know. We are just friends. I only met him today."

"Okay. I was wondering because I like him. I mean, I don't mind if you like him too, and if you two get together I will be happy for you, but I'm just saying I like him," Pansy said.

"Okie, well, I am going to go to sleep now since we have school tomorrow," I said, awkwardly closing my eyes.

"Sleep well."

"You too."

A/N: Super sorry for the really short chapters but I will make it up to you with some longer ones.

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