Occlumency and Legilimency

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Chapter 46.

I walked to Muggle Studies with Draco. He didn't like this class, but I did. I walked through the door and found that Professor Burbage wasn't in her usual spot. Instead, that spot was taken by Professor Mcgonagall.

"Where is Professor Burbage?" Hermione asked, coming into the class next to me.

"She is feeling unwell, so I will be teaching you," Professor Mcgonagall replied.

"Hey, Sav, I didn't see you yesterday after the tournament. You did brilliantly!" she complemented.

"Thanks 'Mione." I sat down in my seat and Draco sat next to me.

"Today we will be learning about New Year's Resolutions, a Muggle practice. At the end of each year, you make a resolution for something. For example, saying that you would go on a diet as your New Year's Resolution. Since it is nearly the end of the year, I want everyone to come up with a resolution. I will give everyone a few minutes to think about it, and then I will go around the class and ask what your resolution is." The professor set a timer for 5 minutes.

I thought about mine; it was easy. I knew exactly what I would say.

A couple people just said that they wanted to learn a few new spells. Most people were just hoping to not get a detention from Snape. If they weren't such idiots, they wouldn't have to worry.

"Miss Potter, what is your New Year's Resolution?" Mcgonagall asked.

"Let's see, try not to kill my uncle, aunt, and cousin. Probably save the world again, and yep, that's about it," I said.

"Fuck you, Potter," Draco said, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Language, Mr Malfoy!" Professor Mcgonagall snapped.

"But I told you my New Years resolution."

My eyes widened in shock. What?!

I looked at Draco and realised he was still looking straight into my eyes. He sent me an infamous smirk and I blushed a light shade of crimson. I turned my eyes away from Draco to look at Professor Mcgonagall, who was at a loss for words.

"Malfoy! THAT'S MY SISTER!" Harry yelled.

"And, what are you going to do about it? I think think about whatever I please," Draco said simply.

"Not when you are thinking about my sister naked!"

"Actually, I can do that. You see, you don't control my thoughts or anything in my head, so I can think whatever I please," Draco replied snarkily.

"Sav, tell him he can't," Harry ordered.

I blushed even more and decided to get up and leave. Things were getting a bit too awkward for my liking.

I went to Snape's office because I knew he didn't have a class and I wanted to learn something new. All the normal lessons were boring.

"Miss Potter, what brings you here?" he asked.

"Professor Snape, I was wondering if you could teach me something else outside of school because, well, I am bored with the other subject. I was hoping you could maybe teach me something that isn't offered here?" I asked hopefully.

"Well, There are two things that you might like to learn, but you should bring Harry along. I think it would benefit him if he learnt these skills as well. The two skills are occlumency and legilimency. It would be good if you knew them. Would you like to start today?" he said.

"Yes, please," I replied.

"Alright. I am going to penetrate your mind. You have to try and block me out," he explained.

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