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Chapter 30.

Buckbeak was being killed today. I was quite upset about it since I got to ride him and all. Draco and I had broken up and we weren't speaking because of it. I know it was a bit petty, but it was his fault that Buckbeak was going to die. He didn't have to tell his father. I was sad that we weren't together anymore, but what annoyed me even more was that Harry kept telling me, 'I told you so'.

Harry, Hermione, Ron and I were going down to visit him before it happened. We wanted to make sure Hagrid was okay. Of course, on the way we saw Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"Come to watch the show, Potter?" he asked.

"You foul-evil-loathsome-little-cockroach." Hermione drew her wand and had it pointed at his throat.

"Hermione, it's not worth it," I said quietly.

She pulled back her wand and turned to face us. She looked at me for a minute then turned back around and punched Draco. Draco ran off with his friends yelling about not to let anyone know a Mudblood was the one to punch him.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron commented.

"That felt great," Hermione said.

"We'd better go see Hagrid now," Harry said, trotting down the steep hill to get to his cottage.

We knocked on the door and went in. We talked for a little while before we were hiding from the minister, executioner and Dumbledore. Once they were entering the cottage, we left. We snuck away without anyone seeing us.

We went to the hill and watched from a distance as the executioner raised his axe. Hermione and I turned away before we could see anything else.

"Ow! Scabbers bit me," Ron said.

Scabbers dropped from Ron's hands and started scurrying off into the distance. Ron raced after him, so we followed.

"Ahh, the grim, behind you!" Ron yelled.

A shaggy black dog ran past us, got a hold of Ron's leg, and pulled him down into a hole into the Whomping Willow. The tree tried to attack us, but Hermione and I were too quick, however, I couldn't say the same for Harry. He was being bashed around quite a bit. Hermione and I were both on a branch of the tree. As we were about to pass Harry, Hermione gripped his shirt and threw him down the hole. Then we both jumped off and down the hole.

"Where do you think this goes?" Hermione asked, pointing to the narrow passageway.

"No idea, but I think I have a hunch," Harry said.

"How does that make sense?" I queried.

"Never mind that! We have to save Ron." We all followed the passageway to what felt like a house. We walked up the stairs and went into the room.

"Harry, Sav. It's a trap, it was him all along. Sirius Black!" Ron said frightfully.

The door swung shut behind us.

"Harry and Savannah Potter. I have been waiting for this for twelve years," Black said, stepping out from his hiding place.

He started rambling on about something random when Professor Lupin came in. He gave Sirius a hug before turning his attention to us.

"Good to see, you old friend."

"You--you were with him the whole time. And I trusted you! I trusted you!" Hermione yelled.

Just then, Snape came in and was about to cast a spell when Harry shot a one his way. "Expelliarmus!"

"Harry, you could get into serious trouble for using a spell against a professor," Hermione warned.

"That's my favourite professor. You just had to do that. Now he is going to think I am horrible, just like you," I complained.

Sirius pointed his wand.

"Only one will die tonight," Sirius said.

"You see, Harry, I thought Peter Pettigrew was dead as well, but when I saw him on the map, I knew he was alive," Lupin explained.

"But it can't be, he's dead. The map was lying," I said.

"The map never lies. Peter Pettigrew is in this room. Right there." Sirius pointed to Ron.

"Me? No, I'm not--"

"Not you, the rat."

"But Scabbers has been in my family for--" Ron started.

"Twelve years. Rather long for a normal house rat. And he is missing a toe, isn't he? The only thing they found of Peter was his finger," Sirius continued for Ron.

The rat scurried away, but before it could get too far, Lupin turned the rat into a human.

"Remus, Sirius, my old friends."

"You--you handed them over to Voldemort. You are the reason they are dead!" Sirius yelled.

"He was so strong, what was I supposed to do?" Peter asked.

"I would have died before I ever sold out my friends to him. You will pay for what you have done."

"Harry, you look so much like your father." Peter said, turning away from Sirius.

"Don't talk about James in front of him!" Sirius ordered.

"Ron, haven't I been a good rat? Please, Harry, Savannah, your father wouldn't let them do this," he pleaded.

"Fine, we will take you to the castle. Then the dementors can have you. I don't think my father would want his two best friends becoming murderers," Harry said.

"I agree," I voiced.

"Savannah, you have your father's eyes and your mother's heart." Peter looked at me expectantly.

"I was put in Slytherin," I said abruptly.

"You have your father's eyes, at least."

We came out of the tree. That's when things started getting really hectic. Snape came out as well. Lupin turned into a werewolf. Sirius turned into a dog to protect us. They had a full on fight. Sirius rolled down to the black lake. Harry and I followed. When we got there, the dementors were everywhere. Harry and I both made Patronus's. We both managed to ward off a few dementors before collapsing in the floor. From my blurry vision, I could just make out a magical-looking stag and cat. All the dementors were driven away. Harry and I, however, passed out.

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