Knight bus

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Chapter 27.

Harry and I had had a rage at our stupid aunt for calling our mother a bitch, which resulted in her inflating like a balloon and floating up into the atmosphere.

We took the Knight Bus to the Leaky Cauldron, where we talked to the Minister of Magic before retiring to our rooms to sleep.

We woke up the next morning and found Ron and Hermione arguing about whether or not Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, was a killer, and whether or not he had eaten Ron's rat.

We had all out Hogwarts supplies given to us before we for into the train. I ran past each compartment to find the one with the platinum blond-headed boy sitting in it. I opened the door and practically jumped onto him giving him a kiss.

"Needy," he said.




"Hey, how am I an arsehole?" he asked, offended.

"You didn't write me at all during the holiday. And you didn't rescue me like you did last year," I complained.

"I couldn't. My owl died. And my father insists we don't get another owl unless it is properly trained and that it isn't brown. He wants a black owl," Draco said.

Suddenly the train lurched to a grinding stop.

"I swear we aren't at Hogwarts yet." I looked out the windows but couldn't see much, as a thick layer of ice had formed on the glass.

I got up and looked outside the compartment. Like everyone else, I was curious as to why we had stopped. Most people went back into their compartments, but I continued looking until I saw a shadowy wisp of horror. I turned away.

"Draco," I muttered before that creature, a dementor, entered our cabin.

It started sucking out all my happiness. Every sad thought came rushing back to me. I passed out before there was a blinding white light and a woman screaming.

I woke up a few minutes later with me wrapped up in Draco's arms. I snuggled into him further.

"Oh, Merlin, you're awake, you're alive. You had me seriously worried there for a moment. Are you alright?" Draco asked.

"I'm fine now, I feel a little woozy. but I feel mostly fine," I answered honestly.

"When we get to Hogwarts I am taking you to the Hospital Wing," he started.

"Draco, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"What do you mean? You passed out, Savannah, I can't let anything happen to you," he said, worry coursing through his voice.

I stood up but proceeded to fall back in my seat.

"See, you can't walk, you're not fine. I'm going to carry you to the Hospital Wing."

"Okay, fine. Thank you for being so sweet. But, um, Draco. What was the blinding white light?" I asked.

"Some raggedy-looking man came in and shouted a spell, which made it get scared and leave. Apparently, your brother passed out as well and he saved him, too," Draco replied kindly.

"Oh, who screamed?" I asked.

"No one screamed. Sav, are you sure you heard someone scream?" he asked, concerned.

"It was my mother, on the night she was killed. She screamed for Voldemort to leave us alone, but he killed her. She tried to protect us from him," I whispered, sobbing lightly.

"I'm so sorry, Savannah."

"It's not your fault, nothing could have stopped it from happening. Oh, look, we have arrived at Hogwarts. I need to see if Harry is okay." I stood up and didn't fall this time.

I took a step forwards and was still fine. I grabbed my bag.

"No, you might be able to walk now, but you are not taking your bag. I will take it for you."

I decided not to argue over it since he would win. Plus it was really sweet that he wanted to help me. I handed him my bag and walked out of the train. Draco and I walked to the carriages. We got into a carriage and sat down.

We reached Hogwarts and went into the castle, then to the Great Hall.

I located Harry in the crowd and ran over to him.

"Savannah Potter! No running!" Draco yelled.

He's so sweet, always thinking about my safety.

"Shut it, Malfoy. You can't control her," Harry snarled.

"Harry! He is just watching out for me. I passed out in the train and now he is being super over-protective. And if I am not happy with how he is treating me, then I will do something about it. But he is treating me like a queen. Now, are you okay? Did anything happen to you when the dementors came?"

"I passed out too. Are you okay? Professor Lupin gave me some chocolate to make me feel better. It worked, mostly."

"I'm fine now. I didn't get any chocolate. Hopefully there is a chocolate dessert to go with the feast," I commented.

"I'm sure there will be."

"Okay, well. Bye." I walked back to Draco and gave him a hug.

We sat down at the table and watched the First years get sorted. Then the feast began, and we all dug into our food.

"Is it true, Potter? Did you really faint on the train?" Draco asked Harry, while imitating someone passing out.

I slapped his arm. "Draco! You can't mock him for passing out when I did too. If you mock him you are practically mocking me."

"Shove off, Malfoy." Ron said defensively.

"Sorry, Sav. Bad habit." He began eating again.

"It's okay. Just don't do it again."

I mouthed 'sorry' to Harry, which he replied with a slight nod of his head.

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