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Chapter 6.

I scanned the Gryffindor table for Harry.

"Found him, he's over there." I pointed to him so Draco could see. Harry hadn't seen us yet.

"Potter!" Draco yelled.

Harry turned to us immediately. Quickly his face turned as red as a beetroot. He walked up over to us.

"Savannah, what the hell do you think you are doing?" Harry practically screamed in my ear.

"Relax, it was just a joke, I just wanted to see what colour you would turn." I laughed.

He shook his head and walked to his table, taking a seat next to Ron. Ron shot me a glare but Hermione giggled. I liked Hermione.

"I am so telling Harry about kissing you, he will be so mad! Save me a seat by you, I will be right back," I said to Draco.

"Okay." He left and found a seat at the Slytherin table.

"Hi, Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Hey, Harry, I kissed Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle, just to let you know," I said, smirking.

Hermione burst out laughing while Harry turned even more red--if that was possible. Ron looked at Draco and shot him a glare.

"Oh, calm down, it was just for a game. I would never willingly kiss him," I said.

"You better not!" Harry said angrily.

"How is she related to you? She is so cold. You two are nothing alike," Ron asked.

"I take that as a complement, so, thank you," I said.

"Oh, she does have manners." Ron said surprised.

"Also, Harry, you can't change me or my life to make yourself comfortable. Other people have feelings. Did you ever think about that? Or were you too busy controlling others?"

Hermione fell of the bench from laughing too much.

"You good, 'Mione?" I asked.

"Never been better, the look on his face is priceless. Savannah, you are amazing," Hermione said.

"Please, you are my friend, call me Sav. And, Harry, I was just joking before, you can call me Sav." I walked away and took a seat beside Draco. 

"Thanks for the seat."

"Well, you asked for it," he said.

We ate breakfast then headed to Potions, our first class. Draco and I sat together, Pansy sat with Blaise, and Crabbe and Goyle sat together.

A professor with greasy black hair walked in. "There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. I am Professor Snape, Head of Slytherin House."

He started picking on Harry saying that fame isn't everything. "Miss Potter, what is the answer?"

"A bezoar can be found in the stomach of a goat and is used to heal things."

"Correct, ten points to Slytherin. Mr Potter, it seems you need to take a page out of your sister's book," Professor Snape said.

I poked my tongue out at Harry and I gave Draco a high five. Pansy was getting a tiny bit jealous that I was only hanging out with Draco and Draco was only hanging out with me. "Relax, Pansy, we will chill tonight in the common room with the boys." I whispered.

"Okay," she said cheerily.

Classes went on slowly until we got to flying, which was my favourite class.

"I want you to stand on the right side of the broom and say up."

"Up," I said. The broom flew into my hand and I caught it.

Draco and I were the first to get it. Harry got it on his second try.

"Good job, Sav, much better than your brother," Draco said right by Harry.

"Thank you, Draco, well done to you as well for beating my brother," I replied.

"Well, it was easy, you see, I am just better than he is."

"Alright, class, now I want you to mount your brooms, and on the count of three, you will push off the ground and get high into the air," the professor, Madame Hooch, instructed us. "One . . . two . . . Neville, get down here this instant!"

Neville managed to shoot off on the count of two, and now he was falling to the ground.

"I will need to take you to the Hospital Wing. If any of you leave the ground, you will be expelled before you can say Quidditch!" Madame Hooch threatened.

She left with Neville, and as soon as she left, Draco picked up the Remembrall that Neville dropped when he fell.

"Give it back, Malfoy!" Harry commanded.

"No, I think I will leave it somewhere for him to find. How about the roof?" Draco offered, smirking.

Harry and I mounted our brooms. I was going to help Draco, not Harry.

"Draco, pass!" I shouted to him.

"Sav, why are you helping him? That's Neville's, and that's not nice!" Harry scolded.

"So, I'm not like you, Harry, you should know that by now!"

Draco threw the Remembrall up in the air and I caught it.

"Nice catch, Savannah!" Draco said.

"Thanks, Draco, here, catch, Harry!" I threw it so it was about to hit the castle, but at the last minute, Harry caught it.

Harry smirked, but it was a very ugly smirk. He needed lessons from Draco on how to smirk properly.

"Mr Potter, come here right now!" Professor Mcgonagall yelled.

I poked my tongue ot at Harry, like I always did when he got into trouble. I gave Draco a high-five and we came back down.

"Where did you learn to fly so well?" Draco asked.

"I don't know. Today was my first time," I said truthfully.

"Are you serious? It took me weeks before I didn't fall off the broom!" Draco admitted.

"Of course, she is good at flying, her dad was the seeker for Gryffindor! It's in her blood," Pansy said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I was looking at the trophy cabinet and there was a trophy for James Potter, your dad."

"You would be an amazing Chaser, Sav!" Draco said. "You're great on your broom!"

"That's not all I'm great at." I winked, which caused Draco's cheeks to turn pink.

"Well, boys, see you later. I am going to go take a shower." I told them after our class was dismissed.

"Can we come?" Blaise asked.

"No! What is with you two and wanting me to do random things with you?" I asked.

"Because you are a girl, and we are guys, and we wouldn't mind seeing you undressed," Blaise replied.

"That's my sister, you pervs," Harry said harshly as he came up behind the boys.

"Thank you, Harry. Well, boys, I will see you later. After my shower. Alone. Without you."

"Savannah, if they say any more of these things, let me know, and I will take care of them," Harry said.

"Don't worry about them, Harry. They are just being stupid guys who are girl-obsessed," I stated.

"Okay, but if you ever need my help, I am here for you."

"Thanks, Harry." I walked off to take a shower.

A/N: I made a long chapter for you.

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