The Second Task

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Chapter 45.

With Draco's help, I had figured out the next task, which was tomorrow. They had hidden something we love in the Black Lake and we had to save the thing. If we can't do it within an hour, then the thing would stay down there forever. All I needed to do was figure out how I was going to breathe underwater for an hour.

"Why don't you use a transfiguration charm to turn into a underwater animal?" Draco suggested.

"Draco, you genius! I knew I loved you for a reason!"

"Are you saying you only love me because I am a genius?" Draco asked.

"No, but it is one of the reasons," I said.

"Mr Malfoy? Can I see you in my office, please?" Mcgonagall asked, coming over to us.

"Yes. See you later, Sav." He kissed my cheek and left.

I decided to look for spells I could use.

Eventually, I found one. I was going to turn myself into a shark.

I went to bed, ready for the next day.

I woke up and got ready for the day, I decided I would put my swimsuit on just before the tournament. The tournament wasn't till around lunch. I went into the Great Hall for breakfast. I searched around for Draco but couldn't see him anywhere. He must be in his room. I finished breakfast and wished Harry luck for the tournament. I walked into Draco's room to see that his bed hadn't been slept in and that he was nowhere to be seen. "Blaise, have you seen Draco?" I asked.

"No. I haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon. I thought he was with you," Blaise replied.

"No. If you see him can you tell him I was looking for him? The tournament is about to start and I need to get going."

"Sure. Good luck! You'll do great!" Blaise encouraged.

"Thanks." I walked out and went into my room to see if anything I cared about was missing.

"Electra, I have checked everything. I'm not missing anything, I swear. I have no idea what they have stolen from me," I said.

"Well, you need to get ready for the tournament, so I guess we will have to wait and see what they have hidden down there for you." Electra handed me my swimsuit. It was a green and white bikini. It was the only swimsuit I owned. I put it on then threw a shirt over it. I would take the shirt off before I got into the water.

A flustered Lyra ran into the room. "They took people. You have--you have to rescue a person They have stolen someone you love," Lyra said, out of breathe.

"Draco!" I said, exasperated.

Draco was in the lake and I had to rescue him. I hadn't realised but I had zoned out for a few minutes.

"Hello? Earth to Savannah. What about Draco?" Lyra asked.

I snapped out of my mind and turned to look at them "Draco is in the lake. It makes sense, I couldn't find him today. And yesterday, Mcgonagall asked to see him and no one has seen him since," I explained.

"So you think Draco is down in the lake? What do you suppose you have to rescue him from?" Electra asked.

"No idea, but I hope I will get to him in time. If not, he will be stuck in the lake forever," I replied.

"Well, it's time, so you better go save him," Lyra said.

We all rushed down to the lake, where I stood with the rest of the champions. Harry was nowhere to be seen. Quickly, Harry rushed forwards.

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