The Rebirth of Voldemort

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Chapter 47. 

"Cedric, Harry, and Savannah will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Viktor, and then Fleur," Dumbledore said.

"Draco, I'm scared, I have a bad feeling about this."

"Everything is going to be fine, Sav, and if it isn't, I am here waiting for you. I love you. You will do greatly."

I gave him a long and sweet kiss before I entered the maze.

As soon as I entered, the wall closed up behind me. My heart started racing very fast. I started my journey throughout the maze when I heard a scream. I ran to the scream to see Fleur being pulled under the maze by the branches. Harry raced up over to her. He cast a spell, sending red sparks up into the air. Harry and I ran away before it took up with it.

"Are you okay, Sav?" Harry asked.

"Not one bit, I have a horrible feeling about this whole tournament. The Quidditch World Cup was attacked by Death Eaters and then Barty Crouch Jr. was killed. Who's to say nothing else bad will happen?" I said.

"I feel it too. Don't worry, we will be fine."

Harry and I were walking through the maze easily when Viktor came at us, looking possessed. I screamed and shot a spell at him making him stumble back.

"Cedric, look out!" Harry screamed.

Cedric was about to be engulfed by the maze. We both shot a spell at the nature and Cedric was freed. I looked over and saw the golden trophy about fifty meters away. All at once, we ran for it. As we neared it, we agreed to all get it at the same time.

As soon as we took it, I felt the same sensation as when I used a portkey for the first time.

We landed with a crash. I looked around at my environment to see we definitely weren't at school. We were in a graveyard in front of a grave that said Riddle.

"Harry! We need to get out of here! Everyone get to the portkey!" I yelled.

"Why?" Cedric asked.

"Voldemort! Now ,go. Harry! Come on!" I yelled again.

Suddenly, a mousey-looking man appeared holding a blanket. The blanket seemed to host a baby with reddish skin and a crumbled-up face. I recognised the man as Peter Pettigrew, Ron's evil ex-rat.

"Cedric, hurry up! We have to go, immediately!" I rushed to the portkey and grabbed Harry and Cedric. I felt a searing pain on my neck and I clutched my scar.

"Are you okay, Harry and Savannah?" Cedric asked.

"Get to the cup, go!"

"Who are you, what do you want?!" Cedric asked.

"Kill the spare," Voldemort ordered.

Peter pulled out his wand and shot the Killing Curse at cedric. He fell to the ground with a thud.

"No, Cedric!" Harry screamed.

Peter made Harry and I fly backwards into a large statue of the grim reaper. His scythe moved to hold us down.

"Do it, now!" Voldemort said, straining his voice.

Peter placed Voldemort into the cauldron with a splash. I was thoroughly repulsed.

"Bone of the father, unwillingly given," Peter said as he lifted a bone from the grave and put it into the cauldron. "Flesh of the servant, willingly sacrificed." Peter sliced of his hand and it fell into the cauldron.

With each passing moment, Harry and I became more rigid. I was in a ton of pain, and I felt that Harry was too.

"Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken." Peter ripped open Harry's arm and then did the same to mine, taking blood from each of us. He dropped it into the cauldron as he said, "The Dark Lord will rise again." Harry and I screamed out in pain.

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