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Chapter 25.

The school year was moving fast. More and more people were becoming petrified each day. Hermione had been petrified and now, Ron, Harry, and I were trying to figure out who has opened the Chamber of secret. We had found out from Tom Riddle's diary that a Muggleborn witch had been killed last time. I was really glad that Hermione wasn't killed and was only petrified. I started piecing the the puzzle together and then it hit me. The ghost in the bathroom, Elizabeth, or more commonly known as Moaning Myrtle, was that Muggleborn witch.

I rushed to find Harry and Professor Lockhart--even though he was a complete idiot and was clearly going to run for it.

I ran through the corridors until I finally found the portrait that led to the Gryffindor common room. I whispered the password and ran inside. As soon as I was in, I found Harry and Ron and dragged them along with me.

"Sav, what the hell?" Harry said, annoyed.

"Moaning Myrtle!" I said.

Surprisingly, they both knew who I was talking about and they started running themselves. We ran into Professor Lockhart's office where we found him packing his stuff to leave.

"You are coming with us!" I ordered.

"Wait, you're leaving? But you know everything. In your books you do much more dangerous stuff and now you are leaving?" Harry asked.

"I didn't do any of those things. I stole them and obliviated their minds. Now, I will have to obliviate you." He pulled out his wand but we were faster. The three of us pulled out our wands and pointed them at him.

"You are coming with us," I repeated. We pointed our wands at him and shuffled him out of the door. I lead the way to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"Myrtle? How did you die?" I asked.

"Oh, it was dreadful. I was sitting here in this cubicle, crying, when a boy came in. I turned around and looked into the eyes of a great beast. They were yellow. And then I died." She smiled while still slightly sobbing. Her voice was soft and sad.

"Do you know where the beast came from?" I asked.

"From over there." She pointed to the sinks. I walked over and examined them.

"Guys. I think I found something." I pointed to the side of the tap, where a snake was engraved into it.

They both looked over to me.

"You should both try talking to it in Parseltongue," Ron suggested.

"Harry, why don't you?" I pushed him forwards and he said to open up. From what I could make out of Ron's facial expressions, he was slightly confused and scared.

The Chamber opened.

"Go on, you first." Ron pushed Professor Lockhart to the chamber opening.

He held on tight to the walls of the other sinks but I pushed him and he fell through. I jumped in, followed by Ron and Harry.

We got up quickly and pointed our wands back up at the professor. We walked through a passageway and came to a large shedding of snake skin.

"That's one giant snake," I shuddered.

"You've got that right," Ron added.

Out of nowhere, Lockhart grabbed Ron's wand and pointed it at ua. He muttered Obliviate, but because Ron's wand was messed up, the spell backfired and cast it upon himself.

I laughed, but when he hit the ceiling, it collapsed into a pile of rocks, separating Ron from me and Harry.

"Ron, you go get help. We will go get your sister," I suggested.

Harry and I walked into a large room, which had a giant snake head at the front and snake statues along the sides. Ginny was lying at the front by the head. Harry and I rushed over. She held Tom Riddle's diary in her hand. I tried to shake her awake but she wouldn't come up from her draining slumber. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a boy--the same boy from the diary.

"Tom, you have to help us. She is dying," Harry pleaded.

"Harry, I don't think he is who we think he is. I mean he isn't helping Ginny, and why would he be here if he isn't helping? Harry, we need to get out of here immediately! This is dangerous." I tried to pick up Ginny to take her but for some reason she couldn't be moved.

"Right you are, Savannah. Every minute she is down here she is growing weaker while I am growing stronger. How is it that two one-year-olds defeated the strongest wizard there ever was? And he only left you with a scar?" Tom asked.

"But how, we killed you last year?" Harry asked.

"I preserved the sixteen-year-old self in the diary." He took Harry's wand and wrote his full name in the air.

TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE. He made it move around so it said I AM LORD VOLDEMORT.

"No way. How did you do that? You have to teach me to do that!" I said.

"Sav!" Harry yelled.

"Right, we are killing him. Nevermind."

"We need to get on with this." Riddle called for the basilisk.

It chased after us and we ran for a while, before Faux the Phoenix came and pecked out his eyes making him blind. However, the Basilisk kept chasing us by using its sense of sound. We climbed up the giant head and the basilisk tried to get us.

Faux came back and dropped the Sorting Hat in front of us. Harry grabbed it and drew a sword from the inside of it.

"Where the hell did that come from?" I asked, shocked.

Harry thrust the sword into the Basilisk's mouth, killing it and making it fall to the floor. Riddle tried to stop us from doing anything, but Harry took out the basilisk fang from his arm and pushed it into the diary, killing the memory of Tom.

Ginny woke up and started to apologise.

"Harry, Sav. I-I didn't mean to, he was controlling me," she sobbed.

"We know, it isn't your fault," I calmed her.

"But Harry, your arm."

"It's fine, really," Harry said confidently.

I could tell that he really wasn't fine. Faux flew in and landed on Harry's arm. Then he cried tears for Harry to fix his arm.

"Phoenix tears can heal wounds," I remembered.

A/N: kinda left this on a cliffhanger lol sorry. JK, not really.

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