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Chapter 37.

I woke up to feel Draco's light breath tickling my neck as he breathed. He was still asleep. I was hugged up close to him with barely any space between us. I was still in my clothes from the day before.

"Good morning, gorgeous," Draco said huskily, waking up from his slumber.

His morning voice was way deeper than his usual voice.


He hugged me tighter and gave me a kiss.

"I missed you."

"What do you mean you missed me? I was here the whole night. Have you gone mental?" I asked.

"No. I missed you because I didn't see you in my dreams. So it has been ages since I have seen you," he answered.

"Aww. You're so sweet, and kind, and perfect, and adorable, and--"

"Don't call me adorable. A Malfoy is never adorable. Although, you are," he said, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Draco, I'm flattered, but I think it's too early for us to get married, don't you think?" I laughed.

"In some countries, we would have two children by now," Draco informed me.

"Well, luckily we aren't in any of those countries. I'm sure sex is great, but not now, or at such a young age."

"Sex is great," Draco said.

"And how the bloody hell would you know that?" I snapped.

"Woman, calm down. I was speaking from what I know of it. I have never done it! It's from what Blaise has said. Jeez, woman. Also, you spend far too much time with Ron. You keep saying bloody hell," he noted.

"Yeah. Ron and I are like best friends, so that's probably why. It's funny though, because I was friends with Hermione first, but after Ron helped Harry and I defeat Voldemort. Ron and I got along greater and now he is my best friend. Hermione and I are still super good friends," I explained.

"Come on. Time to get up. You need to start training and try to figure out what the first task is," Draco said.

"But I don't know what I need to train for. I have no idea what the first task is," I replied.

"Well, then, let's find out." He took my hand and lead me out of his room.

"Draco, you are only in shorts, you are half-naked. I wouldn't appreciate it if everyone saw my boyfriend half-naked."

"Right. I will get changed. I will meet you in ten minutes at the Black Lake." Draco walked into his room.

I quickly changed into some sports gear (Picture above). I walked to the Black Lake and saw that I wasn't the only one planning on doing some exercise. Viktor Krum was running around the Black Lake.

"Care to join me?" he asked in a think bulgarian accent.

"Sure." I ran around the Black Lake with him a few times.

"You are friends with Herminny right?" he asked.

"Yes, why?" I thought it was cute how he messed up on Hermione's name, but he also needed to learn to get it right.

"I was wondering on the best way to ask her out on a date. Do you think you could help me?" he asked.

"Sure. She really likes books, but I think if you are straight about it and just ask her, she will say yes," I answered.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"No problem."

"Am I interrupting something?" Draco asked sourly.

"No. Just training. I'm done now anyways. I want to see if Harry has any ideas of what the task is." I took Draco's hand and we started walking.

"What was that back there?" Draco asked.

"Oh, that. Nothing," I replied.

"Sav, don't lie to me. What was that?" he questioned sternly.

"Draco, it was nothing. He just wanted to know how to ask out Hermione. There is nothing between us and there never will be. I have eyes for someone else."

"Who?" he yelled, jealousy showing.

"You, you idiot. Who do you think, Cedric Diggory?" I said.

"Sorry. I just can't bare the thought of you will someone else," he said honestly.

"I know. And I really hate Cedric. He thinks he's so perfect. And so popular. I hate him so much, he goes around like he owns the place.

"Anyways. Do you think he knows anything about the task?" Draco asked.

"No, but I am hopeful that Harry does," I said hopefully.

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