You're not wrong

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Classes went by quickly, and before we knew it, it was time for the detention.

"Come on, Draco, we have to go to detention," I said, grabbing his arm and dragging him to detention.

"I don't need you to hold my hand and lead me to Snape's classroom, I know where it is," Draco said.

"Shut up!" I snapped.

So, maybe I wanted to hold his hand. He could at least just go with it and not make a big deal about it.

"Calm down, I don't mind. It was just a joke. You need to not take things so literally."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." I let go of his hand, which was immediately grabbed back by Draco.

"I like holding your hand."

As much as I wanted to hold his hand again, I was going to play hard to get for at least a year.

"Too bad. It's my hand, so it stays with me." I grabbed my hand back making Draco stumble forwards, but then regain posture again.

"Come on, we're here." I opened the door to the dungeons.

"Miss Potter, Mr Malfoy. Very disappointing seeing you in detention already. Today you will be helping me organize my ingredients cupboard." He walked out of the room, into a cupboard, and we followed.

"You will put them in alphabetical order without using magic. They are all named so it shouldn't take you very long," Professor Snape said and left us to organize the cupboard.

"I have a question for you," I said, turning to Draco.

"What is it?"

"Why does everyone act like I am super pretty and amazing all the time? The Weasley twins are always calling me pretty and then you, Blaise, Goyle, and Crabbe said that I was adorable. And I was just sitting in my pj's. So why does everyone think I am super pretty and adorable? And why do all the boys like me?" I asked.

I mean, I was just an eleven-year-old girl with some magic ability. My brother and I weren't killed when You-Know-Who came and killed our parents. That doesn't make me pleasing to the eye, so why do all the boys like me?

"Because you are pretty and adorable. But your personality is what most of the guys like. They like someone who isn't afraid to speak up," he answered.

"Really? So do you think I am pretty and adorable?" I walked over and draped an arm over his shoulder and I was standing in front of him. Teasing Draco was so much fun. His cheeks turned pink. "Adorable?" I punched the side of his arm playfully and giggled.

"Definitely," he whispered, but I still heard it.

I smirked to myself and kept organizing the cupboard.

After an hour, we had finished moving the different potions vials around.

Professor Snape let us leave and we walked the short distance to the Slytherin common room.

"You still didn't answer my question," I said.

"Right, well, you are pretty and adorable, okay? Question answered." He sounded annoyed.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just don't like that you keep teasing me for no reason."

"It's not for no reason, I do it because it is hilarious to see your face turn pink and, well . . . nevermind."

"And what? You think its funny and what?" he asked.

I think I like him. I don't want to say that, though. I told myself I would play hard to get for at least a year, but I didn't have to. I think he likes me, but maybe he doesn't and he is just being a guy. Harry would not be pleased, but I don't have to live up to my brother's expectations.

"And I thought you liked me, but I guess I was wrong. I will just go." I started walking a bit faster and Draco had to run to catch up to me.

He grabbed my hand and spun me around so I was facing him.

"What, Draco?"

"You're not wrong. I do like you."

A/N: Cliffhanger! what's gonna happen next???

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