A Dream

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I smile when I wake up to see Draco still cuddled beside me. I turn over to face him, my naked body brushes against his. He slowly opens his eyes.

"Morning beautiful," he smiled and kissed me.
God his voice is so hot in the morning.

"Babe, you've got to stop saying things out loud when you don't mean to." He grinned and I blushed.

"We should get up and go to breakfast, luckily it is the weekend so we don't have classes." I swung my legs over the side of our bed and struggled to stand.

"Need some help there love?" Draco smirked and winked knowing exactly why standing was difficult.

"Oh shuddup, I need to shower, join me if you wish." I winked right back at him and carefully hobbled to the shower.

Next thing I know Draco's arms are wrapped around my waist as he hugged me from behind. I smiled and turned around to kiss him.
After our shower we got dressed and went out into the common room where we saw Blaise and Pansy looking extremely tired.

"What's wrong with you two?" I asked.

"You two are, did you have to fuck all night? We got no sleep hearing Savannah screaming!" Pansy yelled with rage.

"Nice one though mate," Blaise winked.

I rolled my eyes. "I was not that loud."

"Not just you, both of you." Pansy replied.

Draco and I took this as a cue to leave. Walking to the hall we held hands. Draco hated to admit it but he was extremely clingy and always wanted to be holding me. Not to mention the fact I needed help walking, which he was absolutely loving.
My god it felt so good at the time though. And now walking feels so weird. We finally got to the great hall and sat down at the Slytherin table.

We started to eat the delicious assortment when Draco suddenly whispered in my ear.

"I'm so picturing you naked right now," I gasped "just like how you were last night on my bed."

"Draco Malfoy, if you don't stop I swear you will regret it later," I warned.

"Okay, okay, no need to get testy." He placed his left hand on my thigh very close on my inner thigh.

And of course, right on time, Harry, Hermione and Ron walk past.

"Savannah Potter, why the heck is Malfoy's hand on your thigh!" Harry said displeased.

"Because it can be, now will you and Ron leave, I have to talk to Hermione alone."

"Oh no," Ron groaned. "That means you two had sex. Why did you have to tell me, Sav, I don't wanna know about it."

"I didn't say that, and before you cut in Harry, get over it."

"But --"

"Nope, I don't care what you think." I interrupted. "Anyways, Hermione, when are you free?"

"Uh, after potions class we can talk," she smiled.

The trio walked away to eat their food while Draco and I finished ours.

The day went by as usual, we went to classes, unfortunately that included defence against the dark arts. Finally we got to potions, my favorite class. We were learning how to make 'draught of peace', and like usual, Draco and I got it right the first try, unlike my brother who was to say the least; struggling.

After class Hermione and I left the others to talk alone in the astronomy tower.

"What's up Sav?" she asked.

"I mean aside from the mind blowing sex I had last night, not too much. I do feel slightly off though. There is something wrong. I just can't place what it is."

"Maybe it has something to do with the buffoon trying to run our school?" she questioned.

"Believe it or not, but I think it is unrelated."


"Anyways, tell me what's happening with you and Ron."

"What would you be referring to, Sav?" she queried.

"Oh okay, we are just going to ignore the fact you like him, that's cool too." I shrugged.

"W-What, what do you mean Savannah?" she slightly blushed.

"Don't act dumb with me babes, I know you like him."

"And how on earth do you figure that?"

"Oh, hmm, let me see. Maybe it's the fact you look at him like how I looked at Draco when I first had a crush on him."

"I do not!" she snapped.

"Hermione, you don't have to lie. I know you like him, it's okay. I am sure he likes you too." I said.

"Don't tell anyone please Savannah. No one can know."

"Your secret is safe with me, don't worry."

We hugged and then continued to talk about when she realised she liked him before parting way before the stupid curfew.

I got back to the common room where Draco and Blaise were hanging out talking.

"Hey guys." I sat on the couch next to Draco and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ew yuck gross!" Blaise screeched.

"Dude chill out, oh my god." I rolled my eyes.
"Draco, I am extremely hungry, as soon as dinner is served we are going to the dining hall."

"Sure Sav, I am quite hungry too." he smiled at me.

Blaise looked at the two of us, "don't forget about me, I want food too."

"Okay Blaise, thanks for sharing with the group." He gave me a sarcastic look.

Soon enough we were on our way to dinner. I ate heaps and heaps before I decided I wasn't hungry anymore. So Draco, Blaise and I made our way back to the common room for bed. I was unsurprisingly tired.

I was walking through a corridor at the Department of Mysteries deep inside the Ministry of Magic. When I turn my head I see that Harry is next to me. We walk to the end of the corridor and go through a few doors before reaching a room with tons and tons of glass spheres.

I wake up sweating. What the hell was that? I needed to see Harry as soon as possible.

A.N: hey guys, it's been a while but I'm back to writing and should be posting a chapter every few day, I hope you enjoy x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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