You will find out in a minute

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Chapter 16.

"Harry and Savannah. You are not to leave this room until you leave for school!" Uncle Vernon yelled.

Harry and I had just gotten into trouble because a stupid house-elf came and caused a whole bunch of trouble. He made a cake fall on the guest's head and we got blamed for it. They had even barred up the window so Harry and I couldn't escape. They all hated us even more now because Harry and I kept having bad dreams from last year. We keep waking up in a pool of sweat, screaming. At the time, it wasn't scary, but now that we look back on it, it was the scariest thing that could happen. I was worried for this year. Especially when Dobby, the mischievous house-elf, came and told us not to go to school because it is dangerous. However, there was no way I was going to stay here. It was torture. Whatever danger that is at school, I'm sure it would be a hundred times better than being stuck in this room for all of eternity.

Everyone had gone to bed, but Harry and I were still awake, talking. We had packed all of our belongings and were trying to find a way out of this damned room. There was a bright light outside we looked out the window to see a flying car.

"What the heck?"

"Harry, Sav! It's us, Ron, Fred and George. We are here to collect you. Do you have all your stuff?" Ron asked.

"Guys we would love to but there are bars across our window, we are practically in a prison." I said.

"We'll sort that out. Just get ready to get in the car, and then Sav has to get out," George said.

"Why do I have to get out after I get in?" I asked.

"You will find out in a minute."

They pulled the bars off, making a really loud noise. I climbed into the car with my stuff. Harry then passed his stuff through and got into the car. However, my uncle had come in and was holding onto Harry's leg so that we couldn't escape. We were all holding onto Harry as to make sure he wouldn't fall or be pulled in by my uncle.

We started to drive off. We pulled away from the house and Uncle Vernon fell out of the window. We drove a little bit so we would be a bit further from the house. Fred made me go and sit on the other side of the car and get out.

"Guys, why the hell am I being forced out of this car?" I asked rather rudley.

"You have a friend here for you. He contacted us, surprisingly, telling us to come help him get you out. He didn't say anything about saving Harry, but that was out of the question. We had to help Harry as well as you," George answered.

I looked out of the window of the car in hopes of seeing Draco. I assumed that's who they were talking about since he is the only male friend I have sent a letter to. Unlike Harry, I still let my owl out even though my uncle didn't want us to. The owl needed freedom and I needed to send a letter to Draco. So that's exactly what I did.

I was correct, Draco was on his broom next to the car.

"But what about my stuff?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it, he has used a spell to shrink it down and so now your stuff is in his pocket. Now go on, he's waiting for you. Behave. No having sex, but if you do, tell us all about it," Fred said, opening the door for me.

"I am not having sex! And if I were to have sex I would most certainly not tell you about it!" I snapped, getting out of the car and onto Draco's broom.

"Hey Sav. Hold on tight. Don't want you falling off when I only just rescued you," Draco said, causing me to laugh.

"I see you haven't changed."

"I'll have you know I got taller, or maybe you shrunk. You know what? I think it's both." He smirked.

"Whatever, I did not shrink. I think you did get taller though. Where are we going?" I asked.

He had gotten more pleasing to the eye, that's for sure. Otherwise, he seemed like the exact same person.

"We are going to the Malfoy Manor. By the way, my father is going to be a real creep about your scar, so you should do whatever makes you comfortable if he asks to see it. My mother is nice, but if you aren't respectful, she won't like you. After a while of knowing her, though, I doubt you would say anything bad. Other than that, my parents are cool," Draco explained.

"Right, I will try to remember."

We finally got to Malfoy Manor after a long broom ride.

A/N: beginning of second year, yay

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