Waking the boys up

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Chapter 5.

The next morning Pansy woke me up.

"Do you wanna go wake the boys up?" she asked with a grin.

"Duh!" We ran out of our room and found the boys' room. I jumped on Draco's bed, sending him flying off it.

"Ow, you could have given me some warning before you decided to throw me of my bed," Draco said, standing up.

"No, I couldn't have. You were asleep, plus, I didn't mean to make you fall off your bed. But if it makes you feel better, you looked fabulous while falling." I laughed.

"But I always look fabulous."

"Your hair looks so different!" I squealed. It was messy and it made him look ten times cuter.

"Yeah, it's called sleeping, clearly you didn't do any since you are super bubbly," he said.

"I slept, not much, though. I don't like sleeping. Also, I am also a morning person, so I am always like this. Get used to it."

"Why, are you going to wake me up every morning?" he asked.

"Sure, why not?" I looked over at the other boys. They were all staring at me. "What are you staring at?" I snapped.

"You look adorable like that," Blaise said.

"Like what? I am wearing pj's and sitting on his bed," I stated, confused.

"Well, the way you are sitting is adorable, and you look adorable in your pj's," Blaise answered.

"Someone's got a crush!" Pansy yelled.

"No, I am just stating facts."

"I'll agree with Blaise on this one." Draco said.

All four boys nodded their heads, causing me to blush.

"Look who's blushing now," Goyle teased.

"Shut up," I said, throwing a pillow at his face.

"Hey, that's my pillow! I feel personally attacked. You can't just go around throwing other people's pillows," Draco joked.

"Very funny, now get up and get dressed, we have to eat breakfast and then go to class. We have Potions first," I said, remembering my timetable.

"Wanna stay?" He asked seductively. I made a face at him.

"No! I am not a perv, plus I need to get ready." I shut the door behind me as I left.
Pansy and I got changed into our school robes then went to the common room to find the boys.

"Hey, Draco, do you wanna see my brother turn bright red?" I asked.

"Sure, what do I have I do?"

"Oh, nothing, really." I took his hand just as we entered the Great Hall.

A/N: Sorry for a short chapter again but I guess it is better than nothing. Hope you are liking the story so far.

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