That's not fair!

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Chapter 10.


Harry never used my full name unless he was mad. Shit.

"What now, Harry?"

"You're seriously dating Malfoy?"

"Yeah, what's your problem?" I snapped, walking up to him. Hermione, the "genius," had locked us in Harry's dorm so that we could talk. "Malfoy is a git. Do you really like him? Do you really think he'll treat you right?"

"Yes, I do! He is really sweet when he is comfortable with you. Maybe he is so uptight with you because you were an arse when you met him!" I snapped.

"I want you to break up with him."

"Why should I do that? Why do you get to control me? Why do I need to change so that you are comfortable?"

"Because if you continue to be his friend or girlfriend I will stop talking to you. I refuse to be your brother while you are friends with Malfoy," Harry threatened.

"Harry! That's not fair! I should be able to be friends with whomever the freak I want! You don't get to dictate my life!"

"It's either me or Malfoy."



"But, Harry, I want to be close to you and Draco!"

"I don't care, choose one of us."

"You are a git!" I yelled, running out of his room.


Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle came into the common room. I was sitting by the fire, reading a book about Nicholas Flamel. Since Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I found out about the Philosopher's Stone, I had been reading up on it. That research included the creator. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were convinced it was Snape that wanted to steal it. I, however, thought differently. I knew it wasn't Snape, but I wasn't sure who it was. Draco knew about me trying to find out more about it but the others didn't know anything.

"Hey, Sav," Draco said, taking a seat next to me. I shut the book and put it down.

"Hey. Um, Draco, can we talk in private?" I asked.

He took my hand and took me to his room.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I'm not really sure how to say this without you getting upset." I told him honestly.

"Sav, tell me, you can tell me anything." he smiled warmly, which just made me want to hug him, not break up with him.

"I have to b-break up with you." I started crying.

"Why? I like you, you like me. I don't see the problem." He looked at me curiously.

"Harry . . . I can't be with you because of Harry. I really want us to remain friends though. Please don't be mad." I sobbed.

"How can we be friends when we could be so much more? Savannah, I really like you. Please don't do this," he pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Draco." I ran out of his room crying.

I went to find Hermione. I didn't want to talk to Pansy because she would be happy he is on the market again. I ran through hallways until I came to the library. Knowing Hermione, she would be here. I looked down each aisle of bookshelves until I found her.

"Hermione!" I sobbed.

"Oh, my, Sav, what's wrong?" she asked.

"I broke up with Draco because Harry said I had to," I explained.

She pulled me into a hug. "Sav, I'm so sorry. Harry is an arse. But just know that the fact that you did that for him means that you are a really good sister. And he is a terrible brother. Do you want me to talk to him for you?" she asked.

"No, it's okay. But now I don't think Draco is going to talk to me. He looked pretty hurt, probably because I chose my brother over him. I mean, Harry has been there for me my whole life. We grew up in a closet, for Merlin's sake, but he can't just be happy for me like everyone else. I did what I have to do, yet it isn't going to help me and Harry be closer to each other. In fact, it is going to make us even more distant. I know I did this for him but I don't even want to be his sister. I know that is a bit harsh, but he deserves it. He is so stupid, I hate him and his stupid face!" I yelled in frustration.

Madam Pince, the librarian, shushed us.

"Come, we will talk somewhere else." Hermione took my hand and led me to the Black Lake.

We sat down on a large rock and began talking again. To get my frustration and anger out, I threw pebbles into the lake.

"Hermione, why did he have to do this to me?" I yelled. "My brother shouldn't make me choose between him and my boyfriend, I should just go on with what I want. It's not like Draco would change me, well, not for the worst, anyways. Anyway, thanks for the talk, but I need a bit more cheering up. Do you know where the Weasley twins would be?" I asked.

"I'm always here for you, Sav! They will probably be in the Great Hall, the Quidditch Pitch, or the Gryffindor common room." Hermione gave me a quick hug before I wiped away my tears and went looking for the twins.

I looked for them in the Great Hall and the common room. They weren't there, so I was off to find them at the Quidditch Pitch. When I finally got to there, I found the boys flying around.

"Hey, Sav!" Fred called out.

"Hey, Fred."

"How did you know which one I am?" the two twins asked in unison.

No one ever knew them apart.

"I don't know, just a hunch. Can you and George come down here? I need some cheering up."

They flew down and landed on either side of me.

"What's up, Sav? Have you been crying? Your eyes are all red and puffy."

"Thanks, guys, I didn't notice." I rolled my eyes. "I have been crying, and that's why I need cheering up."

"Not until we hear all the gossip," George said.

"You sound like teenage girls."

"We're one in the same." They laughed, which caused me to laugh. They had one of those contagious laughs.

"Very well. Harry told me to break up with my boyfriend," I said.

"Who is your boyfriend?" George asked.

"Draco, and he was my boyfriend. I broke up with him because Harry told me to," I said, my voice shaking as I nearly bursting into tears again.

"We're sorry, that must have been hard. Are you still friends at least?" Fred asked.

This time I did burst into tears. "I don't think so, he looked upset that I chose Harry over him. And what did that do to me? Make me miserable, that's what!" I yelled angrily.

"So, what do you propose we do to cheer a pretty girl like you up?" George asked kindly.

"I don't know, what do you guys think is fun?" I questioned.

"We could attack Harry with snowballs? Or we could tell Seamus to blow him up for you? Or we could get ice cream?" Fred and George suggested.

"As great as the first two sound, I would really like some ice cream. Maybe once we have some we can tell Seamus to blow Harry up. That would be a very nice sight."

"Ice cream for the pretty lady coming right up," Fred said, linking my arm with his. I linked my other arm through George's.

"So, where are we going to get ice cream?" I asked.

"The Hogwarts kitchens. We know a secret way to get in there."

I wasn't going to ask any more questions. If we got caught, the less I know, the better.

A/N: hey, I hope you like it and sorry for a giant chapter but you needed one since a lot of my chapters have been pretty short.

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