Learning to Dance with Mcgonagall

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Chapter 41.

I had just come out of my second-to-last class. I only had Transfiguration to go. I was walking down the corridor when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, beautiful."

"Hey, stranger," I replied

"I give you beautiful and I get stranger, how is that fair?" Draco asked.

"Fine, how about handsome? Perfect? God-like?" I asked.

"God-like suits me." He winked and gave me a hug.

"I have Transfiguration next, and guess what the best part is! You are in it!" I said happily.

"I know." We walked into the room together.

I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the corner talking so I went over to them.

"How come you got a sling and if don't? I did more damage to my arm than you did," I asked, shocked.

"I don't know. I think Madame Pomfrey knows that you don't take shit from stuff like this and if you are in pain, then it's a big deal," Harry guessed.

"I am a bit sore, but not much now. Not after the bath I had with . . ." I trailed off.

"With?" Harry asked.

"With all my clothes on, kinda. It was a bikini and it's not like it was a big deal. It was just a nice steamy bath. Oh, god, that makes it sound like we had a steamy make out session, which we did, but whatever. Never you mind!" I said.

"You and Draco had a bath, together. In the same room?" Ron asked, surprised.

"No, Ron, he had a bath in Africa while I was here having a bath. But we were in the same room. And we were together, but he was in Africa," I replied sassily.

"Okay. So you had a bath together in the prefect's bathroom," he said, clarifying it to make sure he was correct.

"That would be the one, yes. Wait, why isn't Harry freaking out?" I asked, suddenly concerned.

"You said you were clothed, so I don't see a problem," Harry decided.

"But you see a problem in everything. What has this tournament done to you? Not that I am complaining, I like you much better when you are like this," I said.

Professor Mcgonagall entered the room. "Can I have boys on that side and girls on this side?" she asked.

I pouted at Draco then moved to the opposite side of the room.

"I must tell you this. The Yule Ball is approaching, a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to... socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth year and above, although you may invite a younger student if you wish. Dress robes will be worn, and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall. This ball does not mean that rule-breaking will go unpunished. Do you understand?" Professor McGonagall explained.

"Mr Weasley, come help me. Put your hand on my waist," she instructed him.

"Where?" Ron asked with a horrified look.

"My waist, and have your other hand here," she said, putting his hand to her waist.

The twins were laughing so hard while imitating him.

"You never going to let him forgot this, are you?"

They shook their heads.

"Now, everyone, I want you to stand and find a partner then dance with them. Filch, if you please," Mcgonagall said.

Everyone paired up and I went with Draco. We danced a lot until the end if the lesson.

"We will have some more practises later on. Now, boys, don't forget to ask the girls if they want to go with you," Mcgonagall reminded.

"We need you to do some more training. Go get changed and I will see you soon," Draco said as we entered the common room.

I went up to my room and got changed. As I was coming down the stair I heard a few things being said.

"Don't think with your dick. Be a man and just ask her," Blaise said.

"I'm not thinking with my dick, although I wouldn't mind." Draco smirked.

"You wouldn't mind what?" I asked, descending the stairs. I had heard the whole thing, they weren't exactly quiet about any of it.

"Draco wants to fuck you," Blaise said loudly.

"Really? Why? I'm fourteen, you aren't getting any of this." I smirked.

"Got a hot date to the Yule ball?" Blaise asked.

"No, but Sav does." Draco smirked.

"Excuse you." I slapped him on the shoulder with the back of my hand.

"I was kidding. I have a very hot date," Draco said as he pulled me into a side hug.

I walked down to the black lake where I always trained. To be honest, training wasn't so bad. Draco came down with me.

"Savannah, can I ask you something?" he asked.

"You just did, but sure. Go ahead," I said.

"Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" he asked.

"Duh." I kissed his cheek then started training.

As I trained, I thought of what I was going to wear to the Yule Ball. I couldn't be more happy that I was going with Draco Malfoy. I was super excited. I would go shopping with Hermione and my roomates, Lyra and Electra. I couldn't wait.

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