A collection of one shots written by me (@savethefish). Read to experience life with Kara, Markus, Connor, and many other lovely characters from this game.
All characters do not belong to me; however, the cover and writing do belong to me. Give cre...
"Bring Your Child To Work Day" was plastered to a large banner that hung above the receptionist desk in the lobby of the police department. Your mom led you through the building, her hand holding tightly onto yours, "Okay, mommy has quite a bit of work to do, alright? There's plenty of people who love to hang with you though, just look at all the kids over there." Her nimble finger pointed at the break room, where children were trying to get into all the snacks.
With a roll of your eyes, you trekked away from your mom's desk, making your way towards the abundance of children. They broke away from what they were doing to give you the dirty eye, causing you to scoff at them, "I'm pretty sure your parents wouldn't approve of eating all the snacks here."
"Let them live kid, you could easily join them," a fairly tall, dark headed man squats down in front of you, his stern face causing you to turn your chin up at him, "oh wow, I'm being ignored by someone younger than me by twenty so years. How old are anyways? Two?"
"Actually, I'm-" You were cut off by the man shoving your head away from him, standing up to help the kids get in the snacks.
"Interesting kid, I don't care." Huffing, you turn sharply on your heel and trudge away from the break room. You spot Mr. Anderson across the room and drag your feet towards him in a hurry.
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"Mr. Anderson!" He looks over, a small smile breaking onto his face as he sees you. He grabs you and lifts you onto his leg, instantly giving you a noogie. Trying to pry his hands away from your nicely fixed hair, the mean man from before walks up, an android accompanying him this time, leaning on Mr. Anderson's desk.
"You know Hank, maybe allowing these kids in the department was a damn mistake. I mean, look at this one. Gave me attitude before hurrying her ass over here." You narrowed your eyes at him, glancing up at the tall android, his LED briefly red before returning to blue.
"Stop cussing around the kids, Gavin. I'm sure their parents wouldn't really appreciate it," Mr. Anderson, with an arm hooked around you to keep you stabilized, leaned back in his chair, "besides, you must have really been annoying this one if they sassed you."
You smiled brightly at Gavin, just to spite him. Your eyes connected with the android's as your grinned, the RK900 gently smiling back, "I can assure you Hank, they're all snotty-nosed brats. Especially you." He glared at you, which was only met with a glare from you.
"Okay, listen here you fucking barbecue chicken bitch, this one right here is a literal angel. Maybe you should just leave us both the fuck alone." Mr. Anderson spins back towards his computer, pointing at a few cases, asking which one he should look at first.
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After a while of thinking, you point to one, which caused Gavin to go into an uproar, "Seriously! You're letting the damn kid choose which case to go for first?"
Mr. Anderson went to open his mouth, but the android tapped Gavin's shoulder. "I suggest you stop, Detective Reed." Gavin sneers, pushing the tall android away from him.
"You're just a piece of plastic so shut the fuck up! I'm not from a factory, I'm from other humans. I have the say in things, not you. So fuck off." Gavin pushed the RK900 once again, but the android grabbed his wrist, pushing him away from both you and Mr. Anderson.
"I don't like bullies, I don't care where they're from. Now leave them alone." With a disgusted face, Gavin walks away, glaring over his shoulder at the trio.