A collection of one shots written by me (@savethefish). Read to experience life with Kara, Markus, Connor, and many other lovely characters from this game.
All characters do not belong to me; however, the cover and writing do belong to me. Give cre...
The over enthusiastic WB200 tightly gripped your hand and dragged you down the Detroit streets. Every so often, you would trip over cracks in the pavement, stumbling behind him, panting to catch your breath.
"R-Rupert, slow down, I have lungs!" The brunette turned around, stopping abruptly, causing you to slam into his chest. Releasing a sound of surprise, you look up at his face, studying his facial features under the brim of his hat. The android was cute, you had to admit it, but he surely didn't feel the same.
"Oh, sorry, sometimes I forget," his words snapped you from your enthralled staring, your clear cheeks instantly replaced by a dark red carpet of blush, while he had a sheepish grin on his face, "I'm just really excited for you to meet my friends is all."
Turning sharply, he snatched your hand up again and resumed walking, this time a lot slower compared to what he was previously traveling at. It didn't take long for you to reach the destination - a run down apartment complex that gave off an uneasy feeling, but the squeeze Rupert gave your hand washed any doubt you had.
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Rupert led you to a door, still holding your hand tight in his. He opened the door and announced his presence quietly, escorting you through the entrance and shutting the door behind you, "Uh, Rupert, I thought you said you live alone..." He noticed your uneasiness and offered a soft smile before nodding.
"I do, well," he ruffled your hair, "you'll see." Saying that, he flung open the other door, a swarm of pigeons rising from the floor. Your eyes flashed wide open and your mouth gaped open at the sight before you. There had to be at least two hundred pigeons in the entire apartment. He ushered your forward, soon letting go of your hand to grab a box of feed, pouring it into the palm of his hand.
Birds flew from every direction, whizzing past your head, leaving feathers scattered about, before settling gently on Rupert. He was covered in pigeons, a large smile breaking out onto his face as he moved his hand around and fed the birds. You couldn't help but smile a bit, your lips turning up at the android feeding the pigeons from the palm of his hand. He looked over at you, his pink lips never faltering from his broad grin. Holding the box out, he offered you some feed, but you refused.
"No, Rupert...I-I can't," in truthfulness, you were terrified of having half a dozen birds pecking you to bits, that wasn't exactly the definition of fun. The smile fell from his face, instantly pinging a bolt of guilt into your heart. You've never felt more like a bad guy then you have right now.
Hesitantly, you held the palm of your hands out, clenching your eyes shut and angling your head away from feed in your hands. However, and quite thankfully, nothing flew up to you. Dropping your guard, you look at Rupert, "See, they don't like me," which left the male android to just roll his eyes at you.
The WB200 walked behind you, placing your arms into a more receiving pose and rubbing your shoulders gently, "They won't come to you if they know you're scared. They can smell fear you know." This didn't help your complexity of emotions right now, as you began stuttering through your words with no pace.
"R-Rupert, please, I can't do this, look at their eyes, they're judging me! I-I'm scared, plea-" his large hand found your hair again as he patted your head, cutting you off from your worrying. All of your fear melted as he wrapped his arms around you and cuddled into your neck.
"Are you scared now?"
With eyes wide, you shook your head, careful not to disturb Rupert. Your entire face was burning hot, your fear being replaced by embarrassment. A single bird flew to your arm, perching itself delicately before lightly pecking the feed. What started as one turned into a dozen, all perching on your where they possibly could. It didn't hurt, like you had initially anticipated, in fact, it kind of tickled, beak after beak pecking the palm of your hand after the feed had run dry.
Rupert poured more into your hand, watching you begin to smile as more birds flew up, some landing right on top of your head. By time you were entirely covered in pigeons, you were nothing but laughs, something that really warmed the android's synthetic heart.
It was in that moment, watching you playfully coo to the birds and continuously pour more of the feed into your hands, that he realized you were special to him. Something more than just a friend, something he didn't entirely understand.
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