Little One [Markus x Deviant!Reader]

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Bodies littered the ground of Jericho and all you could do was grasp her tiny hand. Her tiny hand plastered in blue blood.

"Please, take her! Get her out of here! You must protect her at all costs! Take Alice and run."

Kara's beaten face pushing the small frame of Alice towards you as the Army stormed in around her. She lost blood at an alarming rate. Luther was gone, Kara was gone. Jericho was gone. Alice had nobody.

"Am I going to be alright?" Alice looked up at your worried face, tears brimmed on her lash line. All you could do was press her head into your stomach as you tried to think of a plan. In the distance you could see Markus and a few others, scavenging the bodies for any survivors.

Hesitantly, you made your way over to them, Alice's hand in yours. "We have a survivor." Markus eyed the girl over, enveloping both of you into a hug.

"From now on, we will care for you Alice. We will get you to Canada safely. That," he looked at you with determined eyes," that is a promise."

Together, the three of you made your way towards the border. Markus didn't have the numbers to rally back up. You didn't have the courage to fight back. Alice didn't have anybody to go back to. The revolution was a flop, one that made the androids suffer horrendous losses.

Alice was a little one with no more hope, surrounded by two adults with no hope. But together they could flee. Flee and rebuild what Alice had - a family.

Markus looked over at you as both you and Alice got comfortable in the bus seating. He softly grabbed your hand and gave a reassuring squeeze before lying his head back against the head rest and closing his eyes.

You ran your fingers through Alice's hair, soothing her into a gentle sleep, as you watched the passing landscape blanketed in snow. The snow that covered the bodies of the little one's former family.

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