A collection of one shots written by me (@savethefish). Read to experience life with Kara, Markus, Connor, and many other lovely characters from this game.
All characters do not belong to me; however, the cover and writing do belong to me. Give cre...
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You had never been for fighting, even on its most subtle terms. To you, the whole "androids vs. humans" was stupid. Why fight for something so...pointless? Why couldn't the two be in peace to begin with?
"I'm Connor, the android sent by Cyberlife. My mission is to kill you, Markus."
And there you heard it again. The constant bickering between the two sides, both led by androids. Crossing your legs, you looked out over the two males, who were facing each other in the Detroit winter, unbothered by the ghastly winds and biting chill.
"Kill me? What will you gain? You should be joining us, Connor...joining your peop-"
"I know what I must do." The brunette takes strides towards the other, his hand attached to the gun that sat on his hip. Your eyes narrowed, watching his movements. His fingers twitched on the weapon, Markus completely oblivious to his actions.
Connor reached for his gun, throwing it up in front of him quickly, but your fingers were quicker, thrusting a wall of pure ice between the two men. The gun fired, the bullet traveling at unknown speeds before plunging itself into the sheet of frozen liquid. His eyes read of questions as he looked around, "W-What?"
This time Markus spoke up, as he made his way to the wall, touching it carefully, "How?" You watched on as Connor dropped the gun, your fingers making work of the wind, picking the object up from the snow and carrying it to your perched position.
"Oh, nice to see you both in your...natural environment, I assume." You twiddle your fingers, a smug grin across your face. Picking up the gun, you display it nicely before you, "Such a shame that this has to solve so many issues in the world today." You let it loose, snapping your fingers and causing it to fall to pieces.
"M-My gun!" You leap from the ledge, landing on your feet. You bow, introducing yourself before shaking both of their hands, no response from them, "Nice to meet you!"
They both stare at you, making their way around the wall to completely face you," Who are you?" Markus speaks up, his brow furrowed together in confusion. Connor copied him, his eyes narrowed as he approached you. They both approached cautiously, their eyes never leaving you.
"Oh, just some magic person, here to shut you both up. Try acting like men for a change and not complete savages, you're acting like humans." Their eyes widened at your response but returned to their previous state.
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Another day, another night, another argument. Rather than perching on a nearby ledge, you strolled right in the middle of the two males. This time, they were booking it out with their fists. To you, it was getting nowhere. Connor would throw a fist, Markus would stumble, throw a fist back, Connor would stumble. It was an ongoing cycle.
With a scoff, you suck in some of the chilly air and blow it out forcefully, pushing Connor backward. Quickly flicking your fingers up, ice shoots from the ground and traps his legs, "Why is it always you that starts the engagements?" Markus, who had fallen in surprise of your appearance, choked on his breath.
"It's my duty!" You stifle a laugh, you possibly couldn't be seen as the immature one since you broke up their scuffle. Connor attempts to snatch his leg from the ice trap, but you clench your fist, tightening the hold on his leg.
"Oh Connor, for an android, you're not the brightest..," he narrows his eyes and begins to pull on his restraint again, only for you to raise the ice higher, reaching his thigh, "see what I mean? You can try all you want, you can't break magi-" This time he attempts to kick at the ice with his free leg. "Connor, for the love of...stop it...Connor," he doesn't, resulting in you freezing up his other leg.
Turning to Markus, you wave him off, telling him to return to Jericho and help his people. Connor begins to shout, obviously displeased by the trap you had bestowed upon him, "Let me go you...you witch!" With a small grin, you turn to him.
"Tch, Connor, I am not a witch," you look at the snow around him, fingering some symbols before shooting a rune out before him, "witches, you see, are frequently evil. I am not." The rune you had cast shatters the ice, sending fragments of frozen water into all directions. Connor flies to his bottom and you turn, walking off.
"Where do you think you're going? This is the second time you've interviened in a police investigation!"
Turning back, you bow like you did the first time, "And it won't be the last pretty boy. Have a nice walk home."