Voices In My Head [Connor x Reader]

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The rock music echoed around your fairly small apartment as you danced around in an over sized shirt and socks with your hair knotted. Your toothbrush hung from your mouth gently as you slid around the kitchen, trying to find a cup to rinse with. After finding one, you moon-walked back into your bathroom, jumping slightly in beat with the music as you brushed your teeth. Spitting into the sink, you took the cup and filled it with water, taking a sip and whipping your head around to shake it up before spitting it into the sink as well.

Jamming into your bedroom, you fix your bed up, taking the pillows from the floor and tossing them towards the headboard. You loudly sing to the music, doing an air guitar as you rocked back to the kitchen to clean some dishes. It didn't take long before you cleaned up your entire apartment and snatched a cold beer from the fridge, flopping onto your couch with your feet dangling over the top of it. It was your day off, might as well get drunk to celebrate.

"Detective," a male voice brought you from your drowsy state as you looped your head around in a dizzy motion, "detective, it's me, Connor." You narrowed your hazy eyes at the male android who was...upside down?

"C-Connor, why are you upside down? Is this some new," you hiccuped, almost vomiting in the process, "some new ability you got?" 

"I am not upside down Detective. However, you are. Let me help you with that." With a swift motion, he stood up and grabbed your legs, throwing them above your body causing you to crash to the hardwood floor below you.

"Fuck Connor, could you be any rougher?" In your drunk state, you laughed at your statement and pointed your sharp finger at the RK800. "I'm sure you could, since an android never runs out of stamina." You slight giggle turned into a full on cackle as you lie exhausted on the floor. Connor blinked out of confusion, "I-I'm sorry? I don't think I understand what you're talking about."

You stumbled to your feet and hung an arm around his shoulders, smacking his chest with your other hand, "Ask Hank, I'm sure he'd loooove to tell you." All Connor did was nod before supporting you with his body. "It appears your alcohol levels are well pass the required amount Detective. I shall attempt to sober you up before taking you to our next investigation."

"Next investigation? Dammit Connor, it's my day off," you slurred your words as Connor ushered you towards the bathroom, "why can't Hank do it?"

"I am quite sure the Lieutenant is much more...incapacitated, than you are Detective." He stated, carefully sitting you on the edge of the tub. He took the cup that you used earlier that morning and put cold water in it. "I apologize for this in advance." With that, he threw the water directly into your face, causing you to flail and fall into the tub, gasping for air out of shock.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. I'm awake, are ya happy? But now I'm freezing cold and my clothes are soaking wet." You stood up, almost shaking like a wet dog as you began to shiver.

"It appears your temperature has dropped quite a bit. I shall assist you in getting warmer clothes. The weather outside is quite chilly as it is." He led you towards your closet as he opened it carefully, scanning over each article of clothing before grabbing a set of clothes and your wool black coat. He sat you clothes on the bed, reaching over to raise your shirt from your body. You quickly slapped his hand away, "I got it, I'm not completely incompetent. Turn away." 

The android turned on his heel and took in the environment of your apartment. "You seem to have a nice taste in interior decorating. Almost perfect choice of detail. If your detective job ever falls through, you could have a place at Cyberlife."

You slipped on a pair of black shoes and walked past Connor, "Wow thanks for the support in my career buddy," you flash a smile and grab your car keys, nodding towards the door, "now come on." Connor quickly snatched the keys from your possession.

"Not while under the influence Detective." He smirked a bit before opening the door of your apartment. You put on your black gloves and walk out of the door before noticing Connor turn back into your apartment.

"Detective, do you hear...voices?" You give him a look of stupidity before realizing and shuffling back into your apartment, turning your music off. "I didn't know if it was just my music or the voices in my head." You said sarcastically, laughing to yourself as you walked out of your apartment, closing the door in the process.

Connor gave you a confused look, "Voices? In your head? I am sure that is a sign of schizo-"

"Oh shut up Connor. It's a figure of speech." He raises his eyebrows and opens his mouth a bit, his LED turning yellow in the process.


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