Frustration [Markus x Cyborg!Reader]

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A dense sandstorm had covered the desert, ushering you to order your squad closer around you. Ever since the development of android soldiers, you had seen a decrease in human personnel, but your squad was one of the best, entrusting hard missions in your hands. "Careful, we don't know how many insurgents are out there. Keep those eyes pee-"

Before you could finish anything else, an explosion sent you flying. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you attempted to radio for a chopper, but the sand seemed to block the signal. Glancing around, you noticed bits and pieces of your squad littering the sand. You never glanced down at yourself, dragging your limp bottom half across the tiny particles to the sputtering of a mate, "D-Don't worry soldier, we'll get t-through this," you ran your right hand over his face, wiping the blood away from his eyes, "just make it through this storm and I'll call in for help. We'll get through this!" You watch as the life leaves his eyes, soon blacking out yourself.

"Their left leg is completely lost, so is their right arm as well as the left hand," you feel needles piercing your skin all over, the areas instantly growing numb. The sound of metal fills your ears before slight pressure is applied to your skin. 

You awaken, your head groggy and limbs heavy. Swinging your legs from the bed, you go to stand, only to collapse, a nurse barely able to catch you, "Careful now, sweety. You went through some pretty heavy changes. We'll talk about them once you get some proper rest." You nod, lazily crawling back under the sheets.

"The injuries you sustained were quite excessive. We had no choice but to replace some of your limbs with prosthetics. Thankfully, the surgery was quite successful. The bad news, however, is that we had to replace both of your lungs and a valve in your heart, as well as many other organs like your right eye. Due to these changes, you are no longer considered a human..."

His voice trailed off and the anger built in your chest. Clenching your fists tightly, you stand from your spot and push pass the nurses and doctor easily. One attempted to grab you, only causing you to snatch it back, "Don't you dare touch me again! I much rather would have died than lose all of my basic human rights!"

 One attempted to grab you, only causing you to snatch it back, "Don't you dare touch me again! I much rather would have died than lose all of my basic human rights!"

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You didn't mean to stumble across the protest, although you did support it. Standing amongst the people on the sidelines, you narrow your eyes, your bionic eyes scanning across the group of police. One caught your attention as his finger twitched ever so slightly on the trigger. It was as if time slowed down - you rushing from the audience to the front of the protest, throwing yourself upon the android, knocking him to the ground, the gunshot echoed out over quiet tension. 

Standing up, dusting the snow from your jacket, you check over the android and any others around him, "Are you alright? Nothing grazed you, did it?" The android assured you, thanking you endlessly. You twist around, your finger raising and pointing to the officer in the lineup. "You! You're in some real trouble now."

Marching across the landing, your hands burrowed deep in your pockets, you stop in front of the man, "Trigger happy, are we," your eyes quickly find the man in charge as you basically toss the officer at his feet, "learn to discipline your men. He probably would have missed without my interference, to begin with," walking back to the middle, you wave your hand, "let's break this up!" The police hesitated before catching a glimpse of the glint in your eye. 

"I don't know who you are, but I want to thank you for saving one of my kind," the male android you had come to know from the news, Markus, was before you, his hand resting on your shoulder, "not many humans are on our side

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"I don't know who you are, but I want to thank you for saving one of my kind," the male android you had come to know from the news, Markus, was before you, his hand resting on your shoulder, "not many humans are on our side."

You clear your throat awkwardly, a sheepish smirk making its way to your lips, "Actually, the government recognizes me as an android. It's a long story, but I can assure you this - none of you are doing the wrong thing. This revolution is finally an eye-opener for America. Let's make this happen, of course, if you're willing to let me stay. I feel I would benefit the revolution." 

Markus smiled gently, his eyes staring directly into yours, "Of course, it would be an honor to have you beside us. Together, we will gain our rights!" His hand moves from your shoulder to your neck, slightly ghosting over your jaw and cupping your chin, eyes darting from your eyes to your lips. He blinks rapidly, snapping himself from the daze that overtook him, pulling away. 

Furrowed brow, you narrow your eyes in confusion, staring at the heterochromatic male, "W-What was that?" He quickly brushes it off, bidding a farewell before taking off down the halls, leaving you standing in the rusty corridor by yourself. 

Footsteps make their way to you, pale hands snapping in front of your face, "I wanted to thank you for your assistance at the protest, but it seems you've disconnected from the world. Everything alright?" Looking away from a water stain on the floor, you connect eyes with Simon. Nodding, you rub at your temples.

"Markus know what...nevermind, it's nothing," you smiled at the blond android, "but don't mention the whole protest situation. I was just doing my part." Simon nods before perking up again. 

"Is it alright if I question you about your biocomponents? They're a little different than what we androids have," you open your mouth to question him, ask him how he knew, but he holds up his hands, apologizing, "I may have overheard your conversation with Markus, my bad. But please? Lucy and I want to analyze it all."

Sighing, you give into his boyish charm and follow after him, making your way to Lucy's chambers for some minor interrogation. 


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