A collection of one shots written by me (@savethefish). Read to experience life with Kara, Markus, Connor, and many other lovely characters from this game.
All characters do not belong to me; however, the cover and writing do belong to me. Give cre...
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You couldn't tell whose fault it was that all three of you guys landed in the slammer - Kara's? Ralph's? Your's? Who knows. All you know is that you were just chilling outside the convenience store when both Ralph and Kara come dashing out, hauling ass if you will.
"Officer please, I was just an innocent by stander! I can assure you!" You grabbed onto the bars, trying to shake them free. No luck, unless you count the officer side eyeing you anything.
"What? Ralph thought you were super good friend," you glanced behind you, seeing a visibly distraught Ralph curled up on the bench, tears threatening to fall, "you lied to Ralph?"
Kara glared at you, obviously annoyed by your antics, "No, Ralph, they're just...shook up about being arrested. They didn't mean it." She sat by him, patting his back and rubbing his arm, trying to comfort him. Damn her and her motherly instincts.
"You literally ran after them, screaming their names and asking what they were running for. That's not why we arrested you though. You bit me," the officer lifts up his sleeve, revealing your teeth marks, clear as day, sketched onto his forearm, "I still don't understand why."
"You were arresting me!"
"I wasn't going to until after you bit me!" The officer scoffed, yanking his sleeve back down.
"Jail is horrible, I hate this place," you slumped against the bars, crossing your legs and arms, pouting.
Kara sighed, probably thinking why she was the one who got stuck in this place with two literal children, "On the bright side, jail isn't so bad, it could be worse!"
With that being said, you stood back up and pointed at both the officer and Kara, "Fuck you! I want out of here!"
"YOU BIT ME!" The officer screamed, slamming his hands onto his desk as he shot up from his seat.