A collection of one shots written by me (@savethefish). Read to experience life with Kara, Markus, Connor, and many other lovely characters from this game.
All characters do not belong to me; however, the cover and writing do belong to me. Give cre...
The warm summer sun beat down on the back of your neck as you laced fingers with your boyfriend, his hair fluttering slightly in the hot breeze. Your mouth was as dry as the humid air, causing your lips to smack together annoyingly, "Ugh, this heat is seriously doing a number on my body," your eyes scan the park for some source of water, landing on a water fountain surrounded by small children.
Dragging Connor behind, you wait patiently in mind. Connor stared off into the distance, not paying attention to anything in particular. You tried straining your eyes to see what he was looking at, but you were quickly pulled from your thoughts as the child before you stepped away from the fountain, giving you access to the water. "Finally! I sure am parch-"
"I'm afraid I have to leave now," jolting away from the stream of water, you look up at Connor's big, brown eyes. You tried making out the possible reason, surely you would know if a report came in, you were on the same team for crying out loud!
"W-Why do you have to leave? Is there a repor-" again, you were cut off by the RK800 android, who bluntly shook his head and disconnected his fingers from yours, leaving behind a trail of something you couldn't put your finger on.
"No, there is no report; however," he paused, his LED twirling in yellow circles for a brief moment, "Lieutenant Hank wishes to meet up with me." Your eyebrows raise. Whatever Hank wanted Connor for, you were positive he wouldn't mind you tagging along.
"Oh, well I'll just join in with you. I'm sure Hank wouldn't mi-"
"I have direct orders not to let you come with."
All that could pass your lips was a small 'oh', a gentle sound. Connor didn't break his stoic expression, but pressed a careful kiss to your forehead, "I apologize, but I must really get going. Don't stay out too late, alright?"
You nod, fiddling with your thumbs as you watch the android stride away in his perfect manner. It was truly odd that Hank would solely request Connor and not allow you to accompany him. Things were fishy and you didn't like it one bit.
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It's not that you didn't trust Connor, no no no. You trusted him more than anybody, you really did, but everything that happened at the park wouldn't slip your mind. So there you sat, shielded by the large dumpster in front of you, peering around the edge as Connor approached an apartment.
Hank didn't move, what?
Several moments passed as Connor emerged from the dwelling, a woman wrapped tightly around his arm, large smiles plastered on both of their faces. She said something to him, something you couldn't make out, but what you could make out was the possessive kiss your boyfriend pressed to her lips. It was impossible for you not to let out a sound of sadness, a loud sigh at that.
"Babe, did you hear that?" With wide eyes, you clamped your hand over your mouth, cursing yourself for making such a slip up. Footsteps echoed towards you before the shadow of a man enveloped you.
"W-What are you doing here?" The RK800 sounded more surprised than he looked, his usual expression blanketing his emotions. You didn't dare say anything as you rose from your hiding spot, staring at the woman that made her way hesitantly beside the android.
Tears threatened to fall as the duo stood before you. With a broken voice, you spoke up, "What am I doing here? What are you doing here, with her?" The male glanced over at the female and then back to you. He didn't say anything as his LED swirled between yellow and red. A chuckle erupted from your chest as you turned on your heel, "Figures."
Walking off, his hand grips your wrist. Yanking it back, you say nothing else and continue to march on, down the street and turning corners, anything to get him from following you. You approach your apartment, spotting Hank immediately.
"Hank, what are you doing he-" Hank cuts you off by pushing you towards his car and ordering you to get in, which you happily oblige by. You watch from the comfort of the old car as Hank yells at the android, jabbing his index finger into his synthetic chest. The shouting is barely heard from the rock blaring throughout the cabin, but as Hank climbs into the driver's seat you hear him shout, "Stay the fuck away from her until I say so!"
And with that, the older man accelerates on the gas and drives off down the road, leaving the brown-eyed android behind you both. He tries making small talk, but resides to patting you on the shoulder as you sit in sorrow.