Jack First Sees Rapunzel

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Jack's PoV:
I have been alive for 300 years and I have never been interested by someone my entire life! So as usual I just flew around the world normally just watching kids play around in their yards.
I watched some brothers play football, I watched some girls play volleyball, and I finished watching some boys play baseball my favorite sport.
I was beginning to fly back to the place where I usually stay for nights, but then I came across a house with I think a married couple coming inside holding a baby. I became very curious, so I followed them inside of their house (I'm curious, It's Just Something I've Always Had)
I followed them into, I think the baby's room and they set her in her crib.
I walked over to the other side of the crib that they were on and I looked at the baby, something happened to me! the baby's eyes were so bright, her hair was long and golden and she just was the most prettiest baby I have ever seen.
Then I finally heard her mother say her name,"You are so beautiful Rapunzel." her name was amazing, I have never heard of that name before. I just has the best time watching this little angle smile and laugh.
Later her parents put her to sleep and put her back in her crib. When her parents left, I still sat in her room watching her sleep, I just didn't want to leave. I had to leave pretty soon so I tapped Rapunzel's head and said,"I will never let anything happen to you, goodnight little girl, I love you." and I opened the window to her room and closed it softly behind me and flew away, but I was definitely coming back tomorrow.

Authors Note:
Hey Guys!!! I hope you guys like the knew story I'm typing, I just want to right as much as I can. So I hope you guys in joy the first chapter, I will be updating soon and I will talk to you guys later. PEACE✌️

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