Where's Carolyn?

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Jack's PoV :

I woke up the next morning to Rapunzel laying down next to me looking at me, I finally have the love of my life actually in my life.

"Good morning." She said, I stroke her long blonde hair and kissed her,"Good morning." I replied, then she got out of the bed,"I'll go wake up Carolyn." She said, then she left the room, I got out of bed and got dressed quickly, I grabbed my staff and followed Rapunzel to Carolyn's room. I still protect her and watch her like she still doesn't see me, I opened the door and I saw Rapunzel I'm a scared and confused look,"Where's Carolyn?" She asked me, I then looked at the bed and she wasn't there, I looked around her room and she wasn't there.

I then ran downstairs and checked the kitchen, living room, dining room and all the restrooms, She's No Where To Be Found,"Carolyn! Where Are You!!!" I yelled, Rapunzel then came downstairs crying,"She's*sob*Missing." She said crying hard, I embraced her tightly and I said,"No, I won't let anything happen to her, I will find her." I let go of her, kissed her forehead, and quickly ran up to Carolyn's room. I looked around for stuff like notes, or something telling us where she was. I looked up and noticed that her window was open, I ran downstairs to Rapunzel and said,"The window was open, she either left through it or someone took her, I'm gonna go look for her-" I was cut off be Rapunzel,"I'll want to go with you." She said determined as she always is,"I'll check everywhere, I'll find her." I said grabbing my staff I left on the couch, I held Rapunzel tightly and said,"You know I love you and your daughter more then anything, I'll never give up." I let go of her and flew out the door.

Author's Note:
Hey Guys!!! I'm sorry it took a while for me to update, I've just been really busy with school. Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter and I will talk to you guys later.^^PEACE^^

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