Rapunzel's Sweet 16

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Rapunzel's PoV:
I'm getting ready to go to the mall with my friends for my SWEET 16! I am so excited that I'm turning 16.
I was going to grab my bag then I felt the cold breeze come by me again, that gets kind of annoying, but I learn to except it.
Then someone behind me snuck up and put a blindfold on me,"Mom!" I said and she started to laugh,"Yes Rapunzel, we have a surprise for you outside." she said, I Love Surprises!
She brought me outside and she took the blindfold off and said,"Surprise!!!" I couldn't believe it, it was a Limo!"Oh My God You Got Me A Limo!" I yelled,"Yep, were picking up your friends in this, but that's not all, look around the Limo." said my mom with a smile, my dad was smiling too.
I went behind the limo and I screamed! It Was A Silver Chevy Cruise!"AAAHHHHH! Oh My God You Got Me A Car! Thank You, You Guys Are The Best!!!" I yelled with the biggest smile on my face, I was so happy.

Jack's PoV:
I followed her outside and she got a Limo To Take Her Friends To The Mall and she got a Knew Car! I was so happy to see her so excited,she looked so cute. She got inside of the car and she looked so happy, she covered her mouth with her hand in happiness. I love that this sweet girl has such a wonderful life.
I followed Rapunzel to the mall and I followed her through the mall, she looked so happy with her best friends and she had the best time shopping with her birthday money.
When they took all of her friends home, they brought the limo back and Rapunzel got to take her car for a test drive with her parents. She was so happy and excited, the car was really nice.
Her and her family got home and she got her PJ's on and she got in her bed, I stood next to her bed looking at her beautiful face, she soon fell asleep and I couldn't help my self, I kissed her cheek and I flew out of her window. I was so happy that she had a fun time on her 16th birthday.

Authors Note:
Hey Guys!!! I hope you guys like this chapter as I do, I will try to update soon and I will talk to you guys later. PEACE✌️

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