The Baby Is Born

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Rapunzel's PoV:

I'm now 9 months and I'm so excited and scared at the same time. Flynn still doesn't live with me, he comes by once in a while just to say hi, Seriously! I'm his wife and all I get is that!

I've thought about divorce for a while,

But I'm just scared that if I do get a divorce I'm gonna have no one in my life to help me.

I went to the dinning room where Flynn was, but then I started getting painful stomach cramps,"Flynn!" I yelled, Flynn ran to me looking scared and said,"Rapunzel! what's wrong?!" I knew what was happening wright when I felt the pain,"The Baby's Coming!" I yelled and Flynn grabbed my arm and hand and helped me get into the car to go to the hospital.

Jack's PoV:

"The Baby's Coming!" yelled Rapunzel, I was so happy for her and worried, I wanted to help her so much and of course I was still with her. Flynn took her to her car and he drove her to the hospital, she's lucky that he was there, I Hate Flynn!

When we arrived at the hospital, a nurse took Rapunzel to a room where she was gonna deliver, but I look behind me and I see Flynn

Leaving The Hospital!!!


I just followed Rapunzel to the room biting my lower lip, I Wanted To Punch Him So Badly!

I waited in the room where Rapunzel was laying on a bed, I stood next to her and just looked at her sad face that Flynn wasn't there,"It's gonna be ok, please be the strong beautiful women that you are. I'll always be here." I said then the nurses came in and told Rapunzel that they were gonna start delivering.

Rapunzel's PoV:

I was laying in bed after the delivery, and the nurse handed me my baby,"Congratulations Mrs.Rider, it's a girl." she said, and I cradled her in my arms, she was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"Have you thought of any names?" the nurse asked, I looked at my daughter and said,"When I was growing up, I've always loved the names Carolyn and Dakota, her full name is Carolyn Dakota Rider." I said with a smile,"I like it." the nurse said, after that she left and I was alone in the room with my baby girl in my arms, I just looked at her with a smile on my face the whole time, then I said,"You might be growing up without a daddy, but I will always be here for you, I'll never let anyone hurt you, I'll take care of you, I promise."

Jack's PoV:

I was in tears looking at this little beautiful baby, I loved her name most of all, Carolyn Dakota Rider. I also loved that she looked just like her mother when she was a baby, her emerald green eyes and blonde hair.

I touched her little hand and I knelt down,"You do have a father, it's me. I'll always be here*sob*you are my world Carolyn, just like your mother. Please believe in me someday." I finished talking to Carolyn and I was crying harder then I ever had before.

Authors Note:

Hey Guys!!! I am literally crying right now, I hope you guys like this chapter though, and I'm sorry if it took me a while to update. I've been grounded from my phone for a week, but I will try to update soon and I will talk to you guys later. PEACE✌️

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