Rapunzel's First Day at Work

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Rapunzel's PoV:
I woke up at 5 a.m, took a shower, ate breakfast and got my uniform on for work.
And for some reason it's been getting colder and colder in my house, What Is Happening?!

Jack's PoV:
I've been right on Rapunzel's tale all day, What Is Wrong With Me! and for some reason she's been rubbing her arms like she was cold, it's probably from me. I am a winter spirit, but I don't know.
An hour later she got in her car and drove to the mall, I flew behind the car following her.
When she got to the mall, she walked in looking excited, I guess it's cause she's getting to work with her favorite aunt in the world. I followed her, then she got to a shop in the middle of the mall called A's Jewelry. She walked inside and gave a women a hug, I guess it was her aunt.

Rapunzel's PoV:
I ran inside of my Aunts store and I saw my aunt at the register, I ran to her and hugged her tightly,"Hey Honey!" she said hugging me back,"Hi aunt Alexis!" I said,"Well, this is what you will be doing, you will be working the register." she said and she started teaching me how to use the register.
When she was finished, I started rubbing my arms again and she was too,"Are you cold?" she asked, I looked at her,"Yes, I am." I said, I really was cold AGAIN! what is happening?

Jack's PoV:
I was standing right in the middle of Rapunzel and her aunt Alexis, they both started to rub there arms so I backed away a little bit, I stayed close to watch Rapunzel.
The mall was open and Rapunzel started her job.
I stayed with her for 4 hours, then a guy with brown hair and brown eyes came in and saw Rapunzel, he stopped everything he was doing and just went to the register,"I'm Flynn Rider, Sup?" He said like a stupid high schooler,"Hey Flynn, I'm Rapunzel, you're the first guy I've seen here." said Rapunzel giggling,"Well Rapunzel, I saw the beautiful cashier and I had to say hi." he said and Rapunzel started to blush! My heart shattered but I couldn't leave her.

Rapunzel's PoV:
I couldn't believe that he called me beautiful! I couldn't feel my cheeks burning up and I knew I was blushing!"Well, I should be going, but before I do here's my number and what time do u get done with work?" he asked giving me a little strip of paper with his number on it."My shift ends at 5." I said,"Well, can I take you out on a date tomorrow after your done with work?" he asked and I was blushing even more,"Well, I guess so." I said smiling and he winked at me and waved goodbye. I Was Just Asked Out By A Really Cute Guy!

Jack's PoV:
I wanted to punch myself, I couldn't believe she was asked out by a guy who acts like a stupid high schooler. But I kind of had it coming, she is beautiful, nice, kind and amazing. But she's also a girl that I love, I need help! when Rapunzel goes to sleep tonight, I'll go to the North Pole to ask the Guardians for help.

Authors Note:
Hey Guys!!! I hope you guys like this chapter, I Can't Wait To Type The Next Chapter! I will try to update soon and I will talk to you guys later. PEACE✌️

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