I'm Immortal

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Rapunzel's PoV:

The next day, Jack took Carolyn and I to Santa's work shop, but they call him North.

We walked into the Globe room, and I saw North, The Tooth Fairy, The Easterbunny, and The Sandman. Then the Tooth Fairy came to me with a huge smile on her face and she started looking at my face and examining my teeth,"Oh My Goodness, You Must Be Rapunzel!" Yelled the Tooth Fairy,"Tooth! You can stop looking at her teeth now." Jack said, then she let go of my louth and apologized, I picked up Carolyn and walked to North and the rest of the Guardians.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time before you give up your human life forever, are you sure you want to become immortal?" Asked North, I had to ask him something before I gave him my answer,"What about Carolyn?" I asked North,"What will happen to her?" I asked.

North took a deep breathe and gave me an answer,"Well, she can either wait till she's 18 to make a decision, or she could become immortal with you." Said North, my eyes widened in shock, I had no idea about that."If you become immortal, Manny will some day chose Carolyn to become immortal since both of her parents are, immortality is in her blood then." Said North, I didn't know what to do then, I had to talk to Carolyn alone for a second,"Hold on, I'll be right back." I said.

I took Carolyn with me in another room, and I sat her down in a chair."Honey, I need to ask you something." I said,"Ok mommy." She said with her adorable little voice.

Carolyn's PoV:

Mommy had to ask me something, I wondered what it was,"Do you want me and daddy to be together forever?" She asked me,"Yes, I love daddy." I said, I really do love daddy, he's alway been there for me and he's never let me go."Well, if you want me daddy to be together forever, I'm gonna have to become immortal, immortal means I won't be a human anymore." She said, I was confused, and a little scared, was I going to loose my parents."And if I do become immortal, someday you will become immortal with us, you will be with us forever." She said looking happy, I do want to be with them forever, so I say what I think is best for my mommy and me,"Mommy, you can become immortal, I want to be with my family." I said and she was about to cry, I embraced her tightly and we walked back to the globe room.

I ran into daddy's arms, and mommy walked with North in a different location where they could see the moon.

Mommy sat down in a chair and looked up at the moon, North then walked forward a little bit and said,"Close your eyes." To mommy, she did, and he started talking to the moon,"Manny, We must ask you to have this young women Rapunzel become immortal, she has fallen in love with a guardian and he has fallen in love with her and her daughter. We ask you to make her a guardian also, with the powers of healing. And of course, to pass down the immortality to her daughter Carolyn."

We waited for a while, but then a Chrystal came out of the floor and started to glow bright,"He's chosen her." Said North, then mommy started to float out of her chair, she was and few feet off the ground, then her hair started to glow, it glew brighter then the sun.

She was then put back down into her chair, her hair stopped glowing and her eyes opened wide. She looked at her hands like she was just born,"Jack, Carolyn?" She said getting out of her chair, when she saw me and daddy she smiled, daddy then ran to her and gave her a hug, as did I.

Rapunzel's PoV:

Jack embraced me tightly and so did Carolyn, I felt amazing immortal!

I love them both so much,"How do you feel?" Jack asked,"Amazing, when I was changing though, I heard Manny tell me a song to sing when I need to use my powers for healing." I said grabbing a strip of my long blonde hair,"Let's hear the song." Said Jack,"Ok." I said letting go of hair and starting to sing,

"Flower gleam and glow!" I sung and my hair started to GLOW!

I continued with the song,

"Let your power shine,

Make the clock reverse,

Bring back what once was mine.

Heal what has been hurt,

Change the fates design,

Save what has been lost,

Bring back what once was mine,

What Once Was Mine!"

I finished the song and my hair stopped glowing.

Author's Note:

Hey Guys!!! I hope you guys like this chapter, I'm so sorry if it took a while to update, I've been really busy with school and sports. Anyways, I'll try to update soon and I'll talk to you Jackunzel fans later, LoL.^^PEACE^^

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