Your So Stupid

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Flynn's PoV:

An officer took me our of my jail cell and started taking me to a room that I've never seen before. He pushed me into the room, I looked up and saw Rapunzel sitting in a chair, for some reason there was another seat next to her that was empty.

I didn't want to talk to her so I tried leaving but the door was locked,"Hi Flynn." She said weirdly."Hi." I said turning around to face her,"I'm divorcing you Flynn-" No! I cut her off,"No, no, don't do this to me Rapunzel,  have I made mistakes, yes, big ones, huge ones." I said trying to make her not divorce me.

Rapunzel's PoV:

He was just being his stupid self when he said he made mistakes,"Well, when you kidnap my 6 year old daughter, that's not a mistake Flynn, that's a crime." I said still sticking to the divorce,"I know it's a crime, and I'm clearly paying my price, and what do you mean your daughter, she's my kid." He said looking nervous,"Flynn, your a real piece of crap. And that's a stupid person who is not a father, speaking of stupid." I said throwing two papers on the table in Flynn's direction for him to look at,"What's this?" He said holding up the first paper,"Divorce papers for taking my daughter for money!" I said then he looked at the other paper and it was Carolyn's birth certificate.

He looked at me in confusion and anger,"Is This My Kids Birth Certificate?!" He asked,"Yep, I guess you didn't here that Carolyn has a different father, so you wouldn't have gotten that rase even if you did have her."

At the line of the birth certificate where the father was suppose to sign, Jack signed it, so he is now legally Carolyn's father."Who The Heck Is Jack Frost! Why Did He Sign This!?" He yelled in confusion,"Because he is her real father, he's the guy I'm seeing and the guy who will always be there for my daughter, unlike you." I said and his face turned from confused to raged."NO, NO THIS IS BULL CRAP, BULL CRAP! THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!!!" He yelled stomping his feet,"Biologically maybe, Legally nope." I said taking the papers back.

He stomped his feet again, but when he tried walking toward me, Jack, who was sitting right next to me, shot him with his ice powers and the cops came and got him.

Jack's PoV:

We got back home and Carolyn jumped into my arms, she was so happy when she saw me sign her birth certificate.

That night, I put Carolyn to bed, then I sat Rapunzel down to talk with her. I had to let her know about becoming immortal, I need to know if she loves me enough and if she wants to.

Author's Note:
Hey Guys!!! I hope you guys like this chapter. I hope you guys got a laugh out of Flynn's freak out, he wouldn't have got the rase if he wanted it LOL!!! Anyways I'll try to update soon and I'll talk to you guys later.^^PEACE^^

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