Did You Say My Name?

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Carolyn's PoV:

I woke up the next morning were I saw Daddy(Jack) at my door waiting for me to wake up,"Hi daddy!" I said getting out of bed and I ran to him and embraced him tightly, he embraced me back then he soon let go.

Mommy soon came out of bed and into the kitchen to make breakfast, I sat in a chair and daddy sat next to me, I'm so happy that I finally have my dad with me.

Jack's PoV:

Carolyn has been calling me daddy all day and I love that she is, she honestly feels like my little girl.

I played outside with her all day, them she told me,"I wish it could snow." I smiled then I shot my powers from my staff to the sky, a few minutes later it started to snow.

I couldn't believe how happy she was to see it snowing, Rapunzel then came outside in shock that it was snowing in the middle of Summer,"How is it snowing now?" said Rapunzel, Carolyn then ran to her and said,"Daddy did it mommy, he made it snow." then Carolyn embraced Rapunzel smiling and giggling,  Rapunzel looked happy and confused at the same time, it was kind of cute.

After a long day of playing in the snow, I brought Carolyn inside and I made it stop snowing.

I soon put Carolyn to bed, kissed her forehead and walked to Rapunzel's room where she was standing in the corner, it looked like she was thinking hard.

Rapunzel's PoV:

I started thinking why Carolyn said "Daddy did it mommy, he made it snow" I wanted to ask her what she ment, but when I walked into the room she was asleep.

I was about to leave her room, but then I noticed frost on her window and it said "hi Carolyn" I couldn't believe what I saw, I notice outside that all the snow melted away and that it was 72°f, how could the frost still be on her window "was it real"

I walked to the window and touched the frost, then I started to have like flashbacks of my life. I saw the times when it was always cold in my room, I saw the time where it snowed on my 10th birthday, and I saw the times where it felt like I walked through a cold body, then I said,"Jack Frost." It Was Him All This Time!"Did you say my name?" I heard a man say behind me, I turned around in shock,"Jack Frost, it's really you." I said then his face lit up in happiness and he was leading to tears.

Author's Note:
I am almost in tears, it finally happened after all those years. I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I do, I will try to update soon and I will talk to you guys later.^^PEACE^^

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