You Can Finally See Me

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Jack's PoV:

"You See Me! You...You See Me!" I yelled with tears in my eyes, Carolyn soon came into her room where Rapunzel and I were and she said,"Mommy, finally you talk to daddy." Rapunzel looked at me confused, then she said,"Carolyn, come with me downstairs, Jack and I have to talk." Rapunzel took her downstairs, sat her on the couch and turned on the T.V so she wouldn't be bored.

Rapunzel soon came upstairs and closed the door,"Ok, I'm gonna start with, who are you, and why is my daughter calling you daddy?" I knew this day would come when I'd have to explain my craziness to her,"Ok, well my name is Jack Frost you already know that, and I've been protecting you your entire life, I've known you since you were a baby. And I want you to know that, you were never alone, you always thought that if you lost Flynn you would have no man who loved you, but there is no man in this entire world who loves you more then I do."

Rapunzel's PoV:

"But there is no man in this world who loves you more then I do." as soon as he said that my heart melted,"I was never alone." I said looking down in shock and tears, he walked closer to me, raised my chin so I could see him,"No, I was wright here, I never wanted to be farther away from you then I am right now." he said and I embraced him in tears,"Were you the reason why my room was always cold, and was I walking*sob*through you?" I asked crying with tears of joy,"Yes." he said crying too, "Rapunzel, you don't know how I've waited for you." said Jack, I let go of him, then he said,"Carolyn's been calling me dad because I've been there for her ever since she was born too, and when she finally was able to see me, she thought I was her dad, and I never told her to stop calling me that, because I love her like she's my daughter." I couldn't believe all the things he's done for me and Carolyn, I looked into his bright blue eyes and it was like love at first sight. I leaned in and kissed him.

Jack's PoV:

She Kissed Me! She let go of me and embraced me again, I never wanted to let go of her.

We both walked out of Carolyn's room holdi g hands and went downstairs where we saw Carolyn sitting on the couch watching T.V. It literally felt like this was my family.

Author's Note:

Hey Guys!!! I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I do, I'm literally crying, stop it Madisyn! Anyway LoL, I'll try to update soon and I'll talk to you guys later.^^PEACE^^

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