I Can't Believe It!

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Jack's PoV:

I flew around the town for 4 hours, and I haven't found her yet. I looked inside houses, inside hotels, restaurants and factories and she was no where to be found.

Then I saw a house in the middle of the country that I've never seen before.

I flew down to it and looked through a window, I saw Flynn walking down the hallway and into a little room, I found a window to the room and I saw Carolyn with handcuffs on her hands and she was attached to a tore up bed. HE HAS HER!

I flew back to Rapunzel's house and ran into the living room where she was,"Did You Find*sob*Her." She said still crying, I nodded my head and said,"Yes, Flynn has her, he kidnapped her." I said and Rapunzel's eyes widened in anger,"Call the police." I said and Rapunzel did.

When she hung up she came back to me,"Their going to his house now." She said, I grabbed her hand and said,"Come with me, where gonna get your daughter back."

Rapunzel's PoV:

"Come with me, where gonna get your daughter back." When he said that, I was so happy, but then I noticed he said something wrong,"I'm coming, and where going to get our daughter back." He smiled, then hugged me and we ran outside, he held me bridal style and flew to Flynn's house,"Where coming Carolyn." I said in my mind.

Author's Note:
Hey Guys!!! I hope you guys like this chapter, I love Jack in the story so much!
Anyway, I hope you guys keep in touch, I'll try to update soon and I'll talk to you guys later.^^PEACE^^

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